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Luke finally comes clean to Joanna who attempts to kill him, but decides against it. He finds out that the sun is what makes his power activate. 

Tommy rushes to try save his mom and is shocked when the hospital has none of her blood type. This leads to Tommy and Emily going off on a mission to get the blood, but when they return, they are ambushed by the feds. 

Malina continues her training and throws several hints out that a war is coming. Farah cuts the training short and says they need to help save the world. 

Leo realizes he has powers of his own and that his father was the vigilante. He suggests a stronger suit to Carlos, but he is kidnapped. 

Noah recruits Taylor and poisons her head about her mother as they attempt to save Molly, but they are stopped by Drake and his clones. Molly kills herself when Noah tries to save, but she leaves him with a lot of food for thought. 

Erica tells Drake that they better find Malina and kill her and asks him to take the shadow, who we see sitting in a room alone with a fire ball of power.

Heroes Reborn
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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Noah Bennett, the original bagger tagger.


Taylor: Why are we rounding up Evo's?
Erica: To save our species, do you trust me?