iCarly Spencer and the gang
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Carly Shay arrives at Spencer's apartment, where she is preparing for a romantic date with her current boyfriend.

She starts live-streaming the date, but things quickly go south, and he breaks up with her.

Carly returns to her apartment (down the hall), and her roommate Harper is there to try and get her moving and out of the post-breakup slump, and encourages her to go to Spencer's party.

Freddie arrives at Spencer's party where they talk about each other's lives, and how Spencer is super successful and how Freddie has had two divorces and a failed start-up company. Millicent appears and is recording Freddie saying embarrassing things for her channel.

Carly and Harper arrive at the party, but Carly doesn't plan on staying for long, as she wants to continue to wallow in the breakup.

Harper does not understand Spencer's art, and Carly reunited with an old fling, Luke.

Carly invited everyone to brunch, including her ex, Beau.

Things get a bit awkward with her ex, and she lies to him, saying that she and Luke are starting a new channel together.

Luke and Carly go out on a strange date, and things don't go well, and she leaves the date because it gets really weird.

Carly decides that although things didn't work out with Luke, she is going to restart her web series on her own -- with the support of Freddie, Spencer, and Harper.

She does her first episode and it becomes a big success, launching her new (old) career.

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