Risking It All - Incorporated
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We open with an explainer: the year is 2074, and the Earth, ravaged by climate change, is now run by corporations. The 'haves' live in what is called the "Green Zone", while the 'have-nots' live in the "Red Zone". 

Two men who work for the  corporation Spiga are discussing business in an elevator, and they are interrupted by security men in custody of a co-worker with a bag on his head. The prisoner is about to be tortured by Julian, the head of Spiga  corporate security. 

A couple in a fancy house watch the news about the ravages of climate change, and are shocked to hear about a terrorist attack on the parent corp Spiga.

The man ends up in a security line at Spiga, where a co-worker is flagged for something in his briefcase-turns out it is a "food porn" video. 

The man is named Ben and he is updating Julian about some new mind-reading tech that will uncover traitors. 

In the Red Zone, a thief named Steel is caught by Terrance, a local crime boss, for selling real tobacco in the zone. Steel impresses the boss with his fighting skills, and is not only spared, but offered a business proposition.

Ben pulls out an old photo of a woman, and does a facial recognition check to find her. He finds out that she appears to be a sex worker being used by Spiga to service executives. Ben has a flashback, where we learn that he is in fact a former Red Zone resident named Aaron, and the woman is either a friend or a former flame. 

Ben meets his wife Laura at dinner and she tells him that Spiga has removed the company mandated birth control and is allowing the couple to try and have a child. 

Ben heads to the top floors of Spiga, where he meets Elizabeth, the Spiga CEO and mother his mother-in-law. Elizabeth asks about Laura, and here we find that their relationship is strained. 

Laura works at a plastic surgery facility, where she consults with a rich white woman who wants a downtrodden Red Zone resident she has paid to take the face of her late husband. The man is willing to sacrifice his identity for a better life in the Green Zone.

After a phone call with Ben, Laura has a panic attack involving an old violent trauma, and cuts herself viciously to relieve the stress. A simple spray on the wound heals the cut in seconds.

Ben meets with a mysterious man about finding his lost love. The man tells him to blend in and not to raise suspicion. 

Ben and some co-workers go to the Red Zone after work for drinks and debauchery. Once inside a bar, the Red Zoners revel in a brutal cage fight. 

The co-workers take a street drug called blur, but Ben only pretends to. 

Ben sneaks out of the bar and visits Steel (who's real name is Theo) at his place in the Red Zone. Theo tells Ben/Aaron that his deal with Terrance involves cage fighting. 

Ben tells Theo that he thinks he has found the mystery lady. Her name is Elena: she's Theo's sister and Ben's former lover. 

Ben uses some tech on co-worker Chad to make him sick so he leaves his office. Ben then hacks into Chad's computer to gather intel about Elena.

The next morning, Chad is stopped by Spiga security with classified files in his briefcase: files planted by Ben to get Chad out of the way so Ben can get promoted. A promotion means higher security clearance for Ben, helping him in his search for Elena.




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Incorporated Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Laura: You're always so...sunny.
Ben: And that's bad?
Laura: No - I just wish it were that easy for me.
Ben: Trust me, it's harder than it seems.

Laura: Mom. I am not a child: I am an adult!
Elizabeth: The last time you were an independent adult I received a piece of my daughter in the mail.