Lestat Postures - Interview with the Vampire Season 1 Episode 5
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Louis feeds off Rashid while Molloy continues to read through Claudia's journals, which detail the last words of her victims.

Louis worries about Lestat, whom he believes is on a hunger strike and not leaving her coffin. However, he and Lestat discover she is not, and Lestat reads the journal she left behind. They also interrogate her about what she's doing with the bodies she kills.

Later, the bodies wash ashore after a bad storm.

Louis and Lestat meet with Anderson, who asks them for support in his election bid. He also tells them about the discovery of the bodies, leading Louis and Lestat's home, where the police are looking at their home. After narrowly avoiding the police discovering a body in Claudia's room, the three get into a heated argument, and Claudia eventually leaves.

Years pass, with Louis and Lestat laying low and the Depression settling in. Louis misses Claudia and blames Lestat for her absence.

Claudia journeys to different colleges, reading up on vampirism. She meets Bruce, a vampire from Europe who'd been following her. After trying to force an Etiquette book on her, he breaks her arm and chastises her.

Grace calls Louis and tells him she and her family are leaving town. She also shows him the headstone she had made for him next to their mothers.

Claudia returns home, and she asks Louis to travel to Europe with her. Lestat and Louis then fight, with Lestat biting him and flying the two of them up into the sky. Louis asks to be let go, Lestat drops him, and he plummets to the Earth.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

You wanted her! You fix her!

Lestat [to Louis]

You are chronicling a suicide. Do not look down on Claudia. Look in the mirror.

Rashid [to Molloy]