Since The invasion
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It's the fourth month since the aliens invaded. Countries have joined military forces in the World Defense Coalition. The aliens have infected the air in 30 percent of the planet. An alien attack causes panic in Osaka, Japan. Former JASA communications tech Mitsuki Yamato is now a guerilla fighter against the aliens. Fire has proven to be an effective weapon against the aliens and she tosses Molotov cocktails at them. Thugs in a chopper abduct her. Sarah Malik distracts a shopkeeper while her mother Aneesha steals gas and her brother Luke pilfers supplies. They almost got caught because Luke stayed too long grabbing tools. Mitsuki is being recruited as part of a team researching a captured alien ship, led by billionaire Nikhil Kapoor. She was the only one to successfully communicate with the aliens. Mitsuki blames herself for Hinata's death and she fails her psych test. Luke gets caught stealing cans of gas from a Canadian military vehicle. Their car gets searched and the alien artifact found. There's a wanted poster out for Aneesha. Dr. Maya Castillo recommends against sending Mitsuki inside the ship. But Kapoor opts to send in both of them. The Maliks and their fellow prisoner Clark get sprung by The Movement . Aneesha decides to go with them after her items are retrieved. Maya leads Mitsuki to the bridge of the ship. Mitsuki goes in to figure out the power source. Aneesha is suspect of The Movement. Clark explains that connections are essential. Mitsuki connects with the power source. Her choice of Bowie's "Space Oddity" is working. Kapoor refuses to pull her out at the assigned time limit. Luke hears a signal from the alien artifact. A comatose patient respounds to the same signal.

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Invasion Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.