Dynamic Duo - Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 5
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Walker leaves Danny bloodied and bruised on the streets, going back to Joy to report back and collect her money.

Davos begins to test his Iron Fist abilities, first killing several Golden Tiger triad members and going to a club to find more. Davos kills several high-ranking members and declares his desire to end the triad war and remove all criminals in New York. He also informs Joy that he's not in Danny, but Joy doesn't want to be involved anymore. She calls Walker to ask for protection, but she advises that Davos is eliminated.

Colleen and Misty begin their search for Danny. They go to Ward to search for any records of Mary, who Colleen knows was with Danny in the subway. Ward reports back and says that Mary is bad news, having been special ops in the past.

Danny stumbles over to the teenage gang, who wants to sell him to the Golden Tigers. Danny convinced BB to help him, and BB secretly calls Colleen. Colleen and Misty rush over and take Danny to the apartment.

They try to find the link between Davos and Mary, the latter of whom is in the Rand database, and they conclude that Joy must have gotten her name from there.

Colleen and Misty decide to go to Joy's apartment to confront her, but they discover Mary, aka Walker, there. After a fight between Misty, Colleen, and Walker, Walker surrenders and they all go back to Colleen and Danny's apartment.

In front of Ward, Colleen, Misty, and Danny, Joy admits her involvement in helping Davos steal the Iron Fist from Danny.

Iron Fist
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Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

I may not return, Mother. My bones may rot in cursed soil, far from home. Is there anything you want to say to me? This may be your last chance to speak your heart. Please.


He is an adult, Colleen. Look, I get it. I saw your place. You two are building a life together. But being in a relationship with someone is not the same as taking responsibility for them.
