Clement Mansell - Justified: City Primeval
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The Everglades

Raylan brings Willa an ice cream cone and tells her to finish it in the car as they’re trying to get somewhere early.

Willa doesn’t want to go to the camp they’re heading for. Raylan tries to convince her it’ll be fine while monitoring another vehicle coming up fast behind them.

Willa has to go to the camp because she broke another girl’s nose. She asks to just stay with Raylan. Before he can answer, they’re rammed from behind by the speeding vehicle.

The pick-up follows them onto the shoulder. Two men get out, one brandishing a pistol, demanding Raylan give them his car. When they both walk over to Willa’s window, Raylan pulls a shotgun out of the trunk and arrests them.

37 Miles Outside Detroit

Clement Mansell pulls his boat of a convertible into a gas station behind a man gassing up his muscle car with a deer carcass strapped to the back. When the driver goes to pay for his gas, Clement sees that the keys are in the ignition. He cuts the deer loose and drives off.

As he heads into Detroit, he plays a cassette tape recording of himself covering the White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army.”

Detroit, Michigan

Outside a big house, Judge Alvin Guy is trying out his new remote car starter app on his phone. The ignition turns over and the car explodes.

Third Circuit Judicial Court

Judge Guy sits the court session, denying the prosecution a continuance because of the car bomb, stating it’ll take more than a bomb to keep him from doing his job.

The case before him is the man who tried to carjack Raylan. Raylan is called to the stand. Willa’s at the back of the courtroom, watching videos on her phone.

The defendant’s lawyer, Carolyn Wilder, questions how Raylan treated her client, Tyrone Power, en route to bringing him to the courthouse. They went first to Willa’s camp but they’d missed the registration window. Then they went to lunch, with Tyrone and his sidekick handcuffed in the backseat of the car.

Willa’s heard laughing at her videos and Judge Guy has her taken to a holding cell. Raylan takes exception to that and questions the judge’s judgment. Guy has both Raylan and Willa put in holding, drops the Florida charges against Power, and sets bail at $100,000.

The local US Marshall Chief bails Raylan and Willa out. At his office, he introduces Raylan to Wendall Robinson from the Detroit PD task force looking into the attempt on the judge’s life.

Judge Guy has specifically requested Raylan. The task force already has a lead. The Chief promises Raylan he’ll be on his way home in twenty-four hours.

Clement pulls into a parking spot at the D-Town Casino and throws away the keys. On the casino floor, he catches the eye of Sandy. She’s got access to a penthouse suite for them through a rich client who’s away. Clement convinces her to leave work early so they can have sex in the suite.

They plan on robbing an Albanian businessman named Eskander.

Armada, Michigan

A motorcade of law enforcement vehicles drive out to an isolated farmhouse. The Detroit PD CO is Norbert Bryl and he’s eager to show Raylan what their team with a K-9 can do.

The task force moves in on the farmhouse. House seems abandoned but the coffee pot is still warm. Raylan finds an escape route underground. They follow it and flush two suspects out at the stables where they’ve stashed their dirtbikes. One can’t get his bike to go and the other leaves without him. The K-9 is deployed on the one on foot, Jim, and pulls him out of a tree.

Jim tells them there are no other targets. The attack on the judge was personal.

Carolyn walks into a pub and the bartender points her to the back. She finds a man named Jamal sitting in a booth waiting for her. He’s her ex-husband and partner. He wants her to give him money to pay off his creditors, but she points out she already pays him alimony and refuses to help anymore.

After Jamal leaves, Carolyn sits down at the bar to talk to the bartender, Sweetie, who pays her for helping out with Tyrone.

The phone rings as Carolyn’s getting up to leave. Sweetie answers to find out it’s Clement calling.

Raylan and the task force go to ask the judge about whether he had an affair with the bomb maker’s mother. Judge Guy had presided over her son’s trial, found him guilty, and gave him the maximum sentence. He states that she pursued him. He feels confident no one’s coming after him because he has dirt on everyone that he keeps in a notebook.

Raylan asks the judge for the mother’s name so they can catch the son.

Clement and Sandy visit Sweetie’s bar. Clement asks Sweetie to set Sandy up with some weed while he uses the bathroom. In the bathroom, Clement climbs onto the toilet to retrieve a gun he’d hidden in the ceiling.

In the car, Clement shows Sandy the gun, saying he might need it for their visit to the Albanian mark’s place. She doesn’t want to hurt him.

The bomber who got away, Barry, smokes a bunch of cigarettes before getting out of his car and walking up to his mother’s house. She’s invited him for dinner. He’s a little suspicious.

As he starts eating, his mother asks him about the judge’s car bombing and he admits he did it because the judge dishonored their family by taking advantage of her. She accuses him of ruining every relationship she’s had since his father left.

The task force moves in to apprehend him. He takes his mother hostage and drags her into the basement.

Raylan starts talking to Barry through the door. He convinces Barry to give himself up. As Barry’s coming through the door, he starts to make demands and Norbert kicks the door back into him, knocking him down the basement steps, and breaking his nose.

Raylan and Willa are having dinner. He’s suggesting they go to Graceland on the way home. She wants to go to Harlan. He notices Carolyn walk in and sit down at the bar with another woman. They’re negotiating a case.

Willa notices Raylan looks at Carolyn and suggests he get a girlfriend. She goes to the bar and says something to the bartender.

Carolyn’s friend, Diane, notices Raylan staring and points him out to her, drawing a comparison to Kevin Costner on Yellowstone.

Raylan asks Willa what she said to the bartender. She told him that Raylan wanted to buy Carolyn the dumbest drink on the menu. The bartender delivers a flaming cocktail in a tiki glass to Carolyn who gives Raylan a look. Raylan and Willa leave quickly.

Sandy’s on a date with the Albanian, Eskander, at the casino while Judge Guy and his assistant are having drinks there too. Clement watches Sandy and Eskander from the blackjack tables.

Clement follows Eskander and Sandy out of the parkade but gets stuck behind Judge Guy’s car. He loses Eskander’s car in traffic and decides to take his rage out on Judge Guy.

He rams the judge’s car several times. The judge tries to hide in an alley and thinks Clement is gone. When he comes out of hiding, Clement is waiting and smashes into the drivers side, injuring the judge. The judge pulls a gun out of the glove compartment but Clement opens fire and shoots the judge multiple times. The assistant is unhurt but traumatized. Clement reaches through the judge’s window and finds the judge’s notebook.

Clement tells the assistant to get out and take him to the judge’s house. At a red light, she makes a run for it. He shoots her down in a park and kills her.

Raylan’s phone wakes him in the middle of the night. He reports to the site of the judge’s shooting. When they find the assistant, Raylan realizes the assistant was a confidential informant planted at the judge’s residence.

Raylan debriefs the Marshall Chief. The Chief tells him he’s sorry the road trip will need to be postponed again.

Raylan returns to the hotel room and watches Willa sleep.

Justified: City Primeval
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Justified: City Primeval Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Willa: C’mon, Dad, I don’t want to do this.
Raylan: I’m guessing you’ll think about that next time you consider punching a girl in the face.
Willa: I barely touched her!
Raylan: You broke her nose.
Willa: She deserved it.
Raylan: That’s not the point.

There’s no such thing as ‘on time.’ You’re either early or you’re late. And where you’re going, we’re going to be early.
