Albanian Mob - Justified: City Primeval
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9:53 pm

Sandy begs Clement not to kill Skender. Clement knocks Skender to the ground and forces Sandy to bring the panic room’s door down onto Skender’s leg. If she doesn’t, Clement promises to kill Skender right there and then.

Raylan walks into the hospital. Maureen and Norbert fill him in that when they found the panic room’s location, Skender was being carried off by a dozen Albanians. They refuse to involve the cops.

Maureen and Norbert advise Raylan to get Skender to implicate Mansell so they can arrest him before the Albanians tear the city apart looking for him.

Raylan suggests they stake out the penthouse, Sandy’s last known address, and the casino as well.

Robinson joins them to let them know Skender’s out of surgery. Bryl wants a crack at him but Robinson reminds him Skender won’t talk unless it’s to Toma Costia, his uncle who leads the Albanian gangs in this part of Detroit.

Raylan walks into Skender’s hospital room and asks one of the Albanians there to call his boss and set up a meeting.

Toma agrees and the Albanians take Raylan to where Toma is set up. Bryl comes along.

In the penthouse, Sandy is smoking up to calm her nerves. She’s upset with Clement hurting Skender. Clement is unconcerned as he opens the bagel toaster to retrieve the judge’s notebook.

The Albanians take Raylan and Bryl to a seniors’ home. Toma tells them he won’t tell Skender to cooperate because he believes the Albanians will mete out better justice than the law can provide. He believes it’s a Russian hit, but Bryl informs him it was Clement Mansell.

Raylan asks Bryl to leave the room. Toma makes it clear that Raylan better find Mansell fast if he wants to beat the Albanians to him.

Two Albanians approach Sandy’s boss at the casino. They want him to give them Sandy’s address. He turns them down. As he’s leaving work, they grab him in the parking lot and scare him into finding it out for them.

Tyrone’s in Carolyn’s office complaining about his ankle monitor when Raylan drops by. Raylan tells Carolyn about the Albanians but she’s not frightened off.

Robinson lets Bryl know the Albanians who hit the casino are on the move. Raylan gets in the car with Bryl and they head out.

In Sweetie’s, Clement and Sandy come in and Sweetie lets them know the cops trashed the place looking for the gun. Sandy comes clean about not throwing it in the river. Clement swears he didn’t know, and Sandy backs him up saying she only hid it at Sweetie’s because that’s where Clement picked it up from, accidentally giving away the fact Clement had hid it there to set Sweetie up for the Wrecking Crew murders.

Sweetie demands Clement pay for the repairs. Clement takes Skender’s engagement ring off Sandy’s finger and offers it to Sweetie.

Sweetie’s not impressed with the ring. Clement pulls out Judge Guy’s notebook and shows it to Sweetie.

The Albanians show up at Sandy’s old apartment and threaten the roommate, Yuna. She phones Sandy and tries to get her to come to the apartment with a story about a pipe bursting and the water coming close to damaging Sandy’s stuff.

Clement refuses to leave the restaurant to go to the apartment until he’s eaten.

The Albanians promise they’ll start extracting the roommate’s teeth with pliers if Sandy doesn’t show up soon.

Carolyn comes to see Sweetie and tells him she’s brokered an immunity deal with the city prosecutors in exchange for the gun and Sweetie’s testimony. He doesn’t want to snitch.

He tells Carolyn that he wants to take an opportunity to get a payday while taking Mansell down at the same time. He tells Carolyn about the notebook and how she could use it to get into a judge’s seat if she’s willing to use it.

Raylan and Bryl arrive at the apartment building. When Raylan sees the Albanians’ car out front, he heads in even though Bryl would rather wait for Mansell to show up.

Raylan arrives at the back door to the apartment just as the Albanians pull her tooth out. He and Bryl break in to apprehend the duo. Yuna gets upset and swings the chair she’s tied to at the Albanians. The bigger guy rushes Bryl and gets past him.

Gunshots are heard in the street and then Bryl shouts that his guy’s down. Raylan cuffs his guy and walks him down where they find Bryl and the dead Albanian. Raylan’s guy screams and mourns his dead comrade just as Mansell drives by with Sandy.

Carolyn leaves work and realizes she’s being followed. She pulls over and makes a phone call. Raylan rolls up behind the Albanians tailing her and sends them on their way. He tells Carolyn she needs someone to keep an eye on her at her house. She protests but he says it’s his job.

Sweetie checks in with Clement. Clement wants Sweetie to help him connect with the names in Judge Guy’s notebook. Clement says they can head to Aruba after they’ve scored the cash. He’s dancing with Sweetie, singing Beach Boys, when Sandy comes out to find them.

Raylan sits outside Carolyn’s house. She comes out with a bottle and two glasses and they talk about life.

Justified: City Primeval
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Justified: City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Sandy: Clement, you’re the one got me this way.
Clement: Got you what way, darlin’?
Sandy: Got me what way? My nerves are shot! I mean, look, look at my hand shaking.
Clement: Could be low blood pressure.

Bryl: So we land, right? We find a dozen goddamned Albanians carrying homeboy on their shoulders like Christ off the cross. We roll up, like, ‘Hey guys, what’s crackin’?’ They go, ‘Fuck yourselves. He fell down the stairs.’
Raylan: That clumsy Jesus now?