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A young couple takes a trip to NYC on Halloween, but things take a horrible turn when their car is stolen with their baby Nate inside it. Detectives immediately separate the mother and father, Tim and Ali, for questioning when Tim's temper and Ali's timidity make the detectives suspicious.

When they find the couple's abandoned car and a cooler with evidence that the baby was placed inside it, they begin to press the couple to tell the truth

Amaro gets Ali to admit that she was lying about parts of her story and that the two stayed in a hotel in Binghampton the night before their son disappeared. Finn and Rollins find out that the couple was drinking and arguing. Eventually, Ali draws Amaro a map of where they buried their baby.

Warner finds no physical trauma to the child, despite the fact that both Ali and Tim confess to killing the baby in two different ways. Ali feels guilty, thinking she must somehow be responsible for her baby's death, and Tim wants to protect Ali.  Amaro tells Ali that the baby most likely died of SIDS, and the couple is finally allowed to see each other.


Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 13 Episode 5 Quotes

I just want to go back and make it not happen.


The way he was buried, he was loved.
