Olaf Plays Stephano - Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Mr. Poe apologizes to the kids as he takes them to Montgomery's house, but the kids don't seem to excited about his presence.

The kids make it clear to Monty that their money cannot be used until they come of age and Montgomery wants rid of Poe because all of the bad things he has done.

The deadly viper wrapped itself around Sunny, scaring the other children. 

Monty said he was popping into town and he would be taking the kids to the cinema later.

Olaf showed up at the door, posing as Stephano. Olaf revealed he took the picture with the parents and Monty in the piano. He then attacked the kids with a knife, but they escape to the reptile room.

Monty knows something is wrong about Stephano and made the kids lie that everything is fine. They hid under a canoe and Monty revealed they can't rely on the police to get him.

Olaf then threw a lamp on Montgomery from the window and called one of his henchmen.

Monty took the kids to their mothers' favorite seats at the cinema, while Olaf got a huge popcorn for himself and a small one for the kids and Montgomery.

Olaf noticed Monty getting codes from the movie, so he stood in front of him to block the screen.

Olaf met up the two twin old women and told them operation capture Monty is a go.

Monty left and told Olaf to watch the kids. He tries to follow, but the kids make him stay.

Monty went up up to the tip room where movie plays and got the codes, which read "Books Tickets on the SS Prospero to Peru."

Monty was captured by the old women. 

Parents escaped from the cell and wind up in the tunnel. They are in Peru!

Monty escaped. He then cornered Olaf about being a bad actor.

Monty told kids they are going to Peru, before putting them to bed, but the happiness was short-lived when he was attacked in reptile room.

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Count Olaf: Good morning. I am Stefano. Montgomery Montgomery's new assistant.
Klaus: It's afternoon and you're Count Olaf.

Old lady 1: He's tougher than he looks.
Old lady 2: Even tougher than two old ladies.