Elizabeth On Supper At Six - Lessons in Chemistry
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We begin at St. Luke's Home For Boys, where the Father tells Harry Wilson that Calvin Evans has died. He hasn't. This is all an elaborate rouse, but Wilson apparently believes the Father, who offers him fraudulent paperwork as proof.

Back in 1957, Elizabeth is at the studio for Supper At Six's next taping. Fran, who Walter's been trying to impress, gives Elizabeth updates from the day, sharing that the Remsen Foundation hasn't returned her call yet. Fran tells Elizabeth she thinks she has a crush on Walter and Elizabeth is ecstatic. She tells Fran to ask him out and though Fran is hesitant before anything can happen, they're called to the stage to speak with Phil.

Phil shares that their sponsorship with Swift & Crisp is dead. Elizabeth makes a joke, but Phil tells her that if she doesn't find them another sponsor in 2 weeks, he'll pull the show off the air.

At Harriet's law firm, she's gleeful at the idea that they may have the votes to stop the freeway construction.

At Wilson's office, his secretaries excitedly tell him that Elizabeth, the star of Supper At Six, has called several times. Wilson asks them to call her back, but she's in the middle of a taping. During the taping of her episode, Elizabeth takes a question from an audience member who shares that Elizabeth inspired her to apply for medical school at USC. Elizabeth, holding back tears, congratulates her.

After the taping, Elizabeth and Walter debrief over a drink. She asks if he's dating anyone and Walter says he's not, he functions best alone. She says if love presents itself to him, she'd like him to consider it. Walter tells her he'll support her regarding the show, clarifying he'll have her back no matter what. Elizabeth's phone rings and it's Remsen's office, but she asks for the address there in order to meet in person.

Elizabeth and Madeline make it to the Remsen Foundation offices, and they talk about their nerves, comforting each other. They sit down to talk with Wilson, who asks how Elizabeth knew Calvin. She explains that Madeline is her and Calvin's daughter and Wilson says the story isn't for him to explain.

On a golf course, a caddy rushes a message to a woman who reads it in shock. The woman, Avery, dresses formally in Elizabeth's living room, introducing herself to Madeline as Calvin's mother. Elizabeth serves coffee and when women sit down to chat. Avery explains that she got pregnant at 16 and she was thrilled to have a son, but her parents decided to remove Calvin from her care without her consent. She didn't know where they sent him, but when she turned 25 and gained access to her trust fund, she began to search for Calvin with Wilson's help.

Avery shared she started the Remsen Foundation, donating money to boy's homes nationwide. She explained that Wilson found Calvin only to be told he'd recently died. Avery didn't know any differently until Calvin was on the cover of American Chemistry Quarterly. She explained she wrote letters upon letters asking to meet Calvin but eventually received a cease and desist. She thought Calvin hated her, so she had to stop trying.

Elizabeth shares that Calvin thought Avery was dead, and through tears, Avery asked who her son was. Elizabeth and Mad give her an idea, sharing he is a funny dancer. Avery asks if she can get to know Mad, and Elizabeth says they'll need some time to think about it. She asks Avery where Calvin got his name, and Avery shares that he was named after John Calvin, a 16th-century theologian her grandmother used to read to her. Elizabeth tearfully says Calvin would've been delighted by that.

Later that night, Elizabeth asks Mad how she's feeling. Madeline is sad, feeling unfulfilled now that she has the answers to her questions. Elizabeth tries to soothe her and brings her to a middle school science fair she's judging the following day. At the science fair, Elizabeth meets a young woman who wants to be a biologist and suggests a few books to her in excitement. Madeline says she believes Elizabeth belongs in a laboratory even though she loves seeing her on TV. Elizabeth explains she'll always be a Chemist, but Mad says Chemists do chemistry.

At Harriet's, the kids and Charlie decorate for Christmas while Harriet and Elizabeth talk over coffee. Elizabeth says Harriet's family is their family. They aren't sure about Avery just yet. Harriet talks about the vote for the freeway, which will take place the following week. She explains that there's still a ton of work to be done and that the freeway is only one minor problem in many others.

Feeling clarity, Elizabeth shows up to Supper At Six late with a large box. She asks one of the PAs to put one of each item in the box under every seat in the audience, then tells Walter she needs to make a call before the show. Elizabeth condemns Swift & Crisp during her live show, but shares that they have a new sponsor, Tampax. The audience is shocked, but tampons aren't Elizabeth's only surprise.

She shares that she'll be leaving Supper At Six. After calling the head of the network, she asked for some changes to be made to the station. As Elizabeth explains her decision process, Phil's boss Kenneth fires him, handing over the studio responsibilities to Walter. Fran, excited, asks Walter out for dinner. He accepts, and the two watch as Elizabeth announces the new host of Supper At Six will be one of the women who watch the show.

At the vote for the Freeway, Harriet is crestfallen when one of the councilmen she believed would vote in her favor changes his position. The motion to build the freeway is passed, much to Harriet's dismay. Elizabeth comforts Harriet to the best of her ability.

Avery comes to watch Elizabeth row in the same place Calvin used to, and the two discuss her current situation. Avery explains she'd like to help Elizabeth, especially within the Remsen Foundation.

Three years later, Elizabeth enters a classroom at USC and begins teaching a course on Chemistry. She shares that she's still Miss Zott until she finishes the PhD program. She explains that Chemists have to accept the inevitability of change. She reads from Calvin's favorite book, Great Expectations, which he said made him a better chemist.

Lessons in Chemistry
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