Aged Up Cal - Manifest
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Olive and Cal work together to piece together the information they have. Olive realizes she has the star card she got from the psychiatrist.

They put the pieces of the puzzle together and realize something is missing.

Drea tries to find Kyle because he hasn't checked in and a warrant is out for his arrest.

A calling sends Michaela to Kyle on the anniversary of Evie's death.

It causes a lot of problems but she gets Kyle into see his mother, thanks to Zeke and his empathy powers.

Drea arrives and says she has to arrest Kyle. Kyle gives Michaela a rug as a thank for helping him get closer to his mother again.

The rug has the star with a button which helps Olive and Cal realize the compass has a button.

It has a plate inside that tells them about Divine Consciousness. They find themselves realizing that everyone spent five years inside it.

Ben goes rogue to find Eden and sends Vance on a wild goose chase. The reason is that he's worried about Vance's life being ruined more by following callings.

This doesn't sit well with Vance, but he has no option. Ben is attacked at Adrian's compound.

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Manifest Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Drea: Hey, girl. Calling to see how you're doing.
Michaela: You too? I'm fine. You guys, I'm fine. Okay.
Drea: I just know it's a tough day. How many years?
Michaela: Since Evie? Four, for me, at least. Anyways, how are you doing? Drea: Oh, me? I am fabulous.

Ben: Where is she?
Eagan: Easy now. I know you aren't a professor of physics, but I'm assuming you're familiar with the concept of leverage?
Ben: Where the hell is my daughter? Dumbing it down.
Eagan: If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the one with leverage in this situation. But we've got a history, so I'll give you a fair deal. You get what you want when you give me what I want.
Ben: And what is that?
Eagan: Benjamin, it's tattooed across my face in black and blue. I want out.