Welcome to The Registry - Manifest
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More 828 hate is spreading due to the river running red and the media and people who oppose them are outside the safe house.

Angelina is trying to communicate with Amuta and the people in his safe house.

Zimmer learns that Angelina can give people fake callings and wants to use it to her advantage, but first, she gets Ben to corroborate the story.

Zimmer then tells Saanvi to take the sapphire out of her because someone else could use it.

This goes against everything Saanvi stands for, so she declines but then tries to follow through on it.

Then, like magic, the sapphire enters Angelina's bloodstream.

Zimmer is surprised but says she'll be back. Ben then rushes out and injects Angelina with the serum, which triggers tremors.

Saanvi then realizes that the river isn't running with blood -- it's red algae, meaning that there's a volcano below New York and that it's ready to boil.

Ben is livid, but before he gets time to explain his actions, Saanvi is transferred away from the program.

Michaela is reeling when her father collapses. She gets a day pass to investigate a fake calling and goes to be with her dad.

She learns he had a stroke and will need around-the-clock care and breaks down. Jared says he'll do whatever she needs and they plan to run away.

She reels Drea into take away her tracking device. Drea sees them kissing and we learn she was still in love with Jared.

Ben's decision takes away all of the callings.

Angelina joins forces with Eagan and they go to the other safe house.

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Manifest Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

It has been just over six hours since the river outside the 828 Detention Center turned blood red. Scientists are still struggling to confirm the cause. No one can say for sure why or how this mysterious and, frankly, terrifying sight came to be. But given the spate of outbreaks plaguing this 828 facility and its proximity to the river, is it crazy to think this is the fault of 828ers? After all, weren't these people responsible for the fissures that killed nearly 1,000 innocent civilians? Aren't some of them still roaming free? How much longer is our government gonna pretend this isn't happening...


Ben: None of us are safe here. I know you think you have Angelina locked up, but she can still endanger the world. She's a threat! And she needs to be dealt with.
Zimmer: And what am I supposed to do? Say I believed you that Angelina has these powers. How do I handle her?
Ben: Use Saanvi's serum. Saanvi created that to eliminate Daly's plagues. Zimmer: Right. But it was based on pre-existing research. What exactly are you telling me?
Ben: Years ago, Saanvi created an antidote that eliminated her Callings. If it worked on real ones, it just might work on fake ones too. You have to at least try it.