Captive - Marvel's Runaways
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Lieutenant Flores interrogates Molly for the location of the Runaways. She uses her powers to break free from the chains and the Runaways come in to take her away.

The Runaways discard their phones since Flores will no doubt be tracking them.

Livvie joins the Runaways in the hostel. She forget to toss her phone with the others, but luckily, she had recorded the shooter during the hospital hit. Alex saves the footage and will provide her a new phone.

Old Lace is sprayed with a mist from a drone flying overhead.

Lieutenant Flores warns PRIDE that the kids dug into Darius' murder. They're getting closer to proving the truth. He wants the parents to clean up their mess.

The parents plan to create their own weapons to subdue the Runaways.

Old Lace isn't eating anything; Molly knocks some sense into Chase to help Gert. Chase and Gert make amends.

Alex convinces the Runaways to grab lunch at a fast food place with Livvie; however, it turns out to be a trap to get the crooked cop who shot up the hospital. Alex threatens the cop and the officers hold the Runaways at gunpoint. Nico uses the staff to freeze the cops.

Catherine and Geoffrey go to the old neighborhood to chat with Tamar; Tamar will contact the Wilders if she sees Alex. Janet joins Victor and Robert in the think-tank to create the weapons.

Lietenant Flores threatens the crooked cop. The same cop is working with Tamar as a partnership to get revenge on the Wilders.

Tina acts strangely after eating pieces of cake. She's brought back to her senses  after she's reminded of Nico killing Jonah; something is wrong with Tina.

Stacey Yorkes is working on a project by herself; she doesn't want Dale involved. Stacey is responsible for Old Lace's strange behavior. Something is wrong with Stacy as well.

Alex offers Awal a deal to clear his name if he helps get Flores and PRIDE busted. Awal reveals that Flores had compiled evidence just in case; Alex accepts the deal. Livvie is furious at Alex for making the deal and working with Abel; they break up.

Livvie reveals to the Runaways that Alex made the deal; tensions break between the group. Awal reveals the truth of Flores' evidence to PRIDE. He makes a deal with PRIDE to get on the payroll and take down Flores.

Awal kills Flores by trapping him in a tampered freezer.

Karolina hears voices. She bumps into Nico and things are still awkward between them.

Gert is feeling a mixture of hot and cold. Both Old Lace and Gert collapse to the ground; they're both dying.

Awal and the Strike Team break into Tamar's home. He kidnaps Livvie as leverage to get the Runaways.

Marvel's Runaways
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