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Mary and Des meet in a diner for breakfast. Des feels guilty about Travis' death. Mary feels relieved.

Back at the house, Jess and Naomi are cleaning up after the house party they threw. Mary points out that they are still in a lot of trouble and Jess feels that she should've been home. Naomi tells Mary that she met Des.

Mary walks down to the waterfront behind her house and throws her gun into the water.

Nicole comes and picks up Jess and Naomi and promises Mary that she'll make them garden for punishment. Mary tells Nicole that Ben has resurfaced and that she messed up the situation. Nicole recommends that she consider leaning on him for support.

Des returns to his apartment and, after stripping down, destroys all his plans for the death retreat. He smashes all his pento just before Joshua shows up. Joshua tells him he can't be around his parents so he thought he could just hang out with Des.

Mary drives out to Ben's camper trailer to talk. Ben insists on taking notes. Ben asks where Travis is and if Mary killed him. Ben tells her she's "one of the bad ones" and she tries to deny it. He tells her to leave.

At the hospital, Mary is a little zoned up. Germaine runs into Mary when he comes to visit Brendan with a stuffed giraffe.

Joshua is smoking pot and playing chess. He discusses life with Des and despairs of being able to make a move on the girl he likes, Kailey. Des gets his phone and calls her, pretending to be Josh's nurse. He asks her out on a date.

Nicole sets Jess and Naomi to work weeding. Jess is still angry with Naomi so Naomi asks for a computer to show Jess the video of Mary from the police surveillance. They get in a fight and Nicole breaks them up. She takes them out on the lake.

Mary sees Dr. Dunn in the conference room at the library and asks Annie about it when they're taking a smoke break. Annie tells her that he's leading the investigation into Betty's death. Mary asks why Annie didn't tell her sooner. Annie points out that Mary never consulted her about killing Betty. She blames her for killing her at the hospital where they could both be implicated. When she walks away, Mary notices a man in a black van parked across the street.

Ben drives to the Bloom warehouse and meets with Olivia. He approaches her under the pretense of investigating her husband. He tells her that the police suspect that Travis was dealing drugs out of the warehouse. She insists that that can't possibly be true and that Travis is probably just gone on a bender.

At the hospital, Mary visits with Brendan and tells him that the chemo is working. He feels awful and Mary counsels him to be true to himself.

Des and Joshua are waiting for Kailey and Des is encouraging Joshua to relax and enjoy his time with her. When she arrives, he steps back and lets them talk.

Nicole drops Jess and Nicole off on a small island and leaves them to sort out their issues. Jess confronts Naomi as to whether she wants to be her girlfriend. When Naomi throws her secret in her face again, Jess calls it quits and decides to swim back to the shore.

Kailey asks Joshua what it feels like to be dying. Joshua likens it to being blindfolded and disoriented when he was ten and swinging at a pinata. They share a moment and Kailey kisses Joshua. Des thinks it's all going but then Joshua stumbles away from Kailey, vomiting blood. Des rushes to him and when Joshua asks him for the pento, Des tells him he got rid of his supply. He calls Mary and she agrees to meet him at Josh's house with the pento.

Ben meets with his supervisor and tells her that the Bloom warehouse is wired for sound. The supervisor commends his move on Olivia as well as his tip on Mary. She knows that Mary is leaving early and has a team watching her. They think Mary will lead them to Travis.

Mary spots her tail on the highway. She calls Des and lets him know the plan needs to change because she's being followed.

Jess makes it back to the dock where Nicole is waiting. They have a talk about what's bothering Jess. Jess says that she can't talk to her mother about anything and that she feels like her mother is always lying. Nicole explains that her mother used to put her and Mary out on the island when she had depressive episodes and that Mary protects Jess in a similar way.

Mary, Des, and Kailey help Joshua back into his house. Joshua's parents want him to hold on one more day but Joshua wants to go out on a good day. 

The police converge on a house but when they raid it, they find themselves at Kailey's house. Ben sees Kailey and asks her if she knows where Mary is.

Mary and Des are waiting in the bathroom at Joshua's house for him to talk with his parents. Mary offers to take all the blame if the police catch up with them but Des says that they are partners in this. He proposes that they start the death retreat and she agrees but she stipulates that she will not let him go to jail again.

Joshua is lying across his parents' laps and Mary and Des put the pento into an orange soda in the duckie cup. He drinks it just before Ben walks into the room. Joshua bids his parents good-bye. Mary indicates to Des that Ben has entered the room. Joshua dies. Ben remains silent. As Joshua's parents mourn, Ben tells Mary quietly to go.

At Nicole's place, Naomi is watching Jess sleep and considers destroying the memory stick but decides against it.

Ben finds Mary at her house and she tells him that she's never going to stop what she does for people. They go upstairs and have sex.

Mary Kills People
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Mary Kills People Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Y'know, maybe your work situation is bad because you kill people?


You know, I've been to jail but I've never actually felt like a criminal. But now, the packaging matches what's inside.
