Angel Has a Theory - Mayans M.C.
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E.Z. learns there are big deals happening that don't include him and he has to make some decisions.

He goes to a group of women who are on the outs with most of the other teams, but they tell them to get out or they'll kill him.

He initially offered them help but realizes they are not to be trifled with.

Miguel avenges Tomas' death by killing the man responsible for it in the bathroom.

Miguel ends up home and finds himself telling Emily she'll never be alone with their son and that she can leave if she wants.

Adelita goes across the border and is ridiculed but proceeds to find her way.

Felipe later tells her she needs to tell Angel the truth, but she says it's fine... for now.

Hope and Letty try to turn the tables on the man they thought was their friend but they go too far and he's caught out by the Mayans.

They know he's been telling their business to people for money.

Angel finds men in his house at night, telling him to stop investigating the pipeline because they wouldn't want to harm his family.

Angel tries to relay the message to E.Z. but it doesn't land and E.Z. starts plotting a big decision.




Mayans M.C.
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Mayans M.C. Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Felipe: You need to tell him.
Adelita: I will.
Felipe: He'll find out sooner or later.

E.Z.: Did you forget what day it is?
Angel: What?
E.Z.: Does anything specific happen on this day every year?