On New Girl Season 5 Episode 4, Nick comes up with the brilliant plan to rent out Jess's room while she's away on jury duty to pay for Schmidt's bachelor party.

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When you watch New Girl Season 5 Episode 4 online you'll see just how far someone will go to make a little extra money. Nick surprises Schmidt by saying they're going to Tokyo for Schmidt's bachelor party, but he doesn't seem to have the money to pay for said trip. Nick decides to rent out Jess's room so he can make a little extra money to fund the trip, but Schmidt isn't completely on board. Schmidt decides to take over and bills the loft as a more upscale boutique hotel and invites even more people to stay. Things get out of hand when the guys aren't able to accomodate every single guest and they realize they have gotten over their head. They both decide to stop the boutique hotel business and go to one of their friends, who has money, and ask him if he would pay for the trip. The friend agrees to it because Schmidt and Nick are the only people who are able to deal with his attitude. Meanwhile, Winston takes advice from Cece after he thinks Casey is cheating on him, but things backfire when Casey quickly breaks up with Winston. Winston does get vinicated when it's revealed Casey was in fact cheating on him. Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch New Girl online via TV Fanatic anytime.

Episode Details

On New Girl Season 5 Episode 4, Nick rents out the loft for extra money to help pay for Schmidt's bachelor party while Jess is sequestered at jury duty.

Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (13 Votes)
New Girl
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New Girl Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

What? You don't think I can be supportive?


Who am I supposed to go to for lady advice now?
