New Girl Multi-Show

23 Ships Almost Everyone Can Agree On

23 Ships Almost Everyone Can Agree On

No matter what fandom you're in, people are always going to like different things. Mostly. We put together a list of ships that are universally loved by fans!
Posted in: Lucifer
17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

Hugs happen in all kinds of relationships on screen, and most of them enhance the connection between the people in it. But then there are those hugs that are just awkward and that you can't even look at.
Posted in: Shadowhunters
17 Best TV Crush Confirmations

17 Best TV Crush Confirmations

There is nothing quite as heartwarming as watching your favorite ship admit their feelings for one another. Which couple's crush confession did you love the most?
Posted in: The 100
13 Endgame Couples We Love

13 Endgame Couples We Love

With some of our favorite shows recently coming to a conclusion, we took a look a look back at 13 couples whose love was strong enough to make it in the end.
Posted in: Multi-Show

New Girl Quotes

Cece: What's your stripper name?
Jess: Uh, Rebecca Johnson.
Cece: Your stripper name is Rebecca Johnson?
Jess: Boobies Johnson. Two Boobs Johnson.

I could pretend to be more like you, Jess, and live on a sparkly rainbow and drive a unicorn around and just sing all the time.
