Brian the Census Guy - One Day At A Time
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Brian (guest star Ray Romano) knocks on the door for the decennial census. 

He asks Penelope about herself, reminding Penelope of how single she is.

Then, he asks her if she's the head of the house, to which Lydia appears, claiming it's her. Penelope insists that Lydia isn't, and then Brian asks Lydia questions.

Brian suggests that Leslie is Lydia's husband; she says no. Leslie volunteers information about himself.

Elena introduces herself to Brian, but he just needs to understand the household's relationships. Elena uses this opportunity to introduce Brian to her "Syd-nificant other," Syd, and tells him about their relationship.

Alex speaks up after Brian asks who else lives there. Alex talks about himself.

Brian asks again if anyone else lives there, and then Schneider walks in for movie night. Schneider tells Brian about himself.

Brian leaves.

Syd and Elena are washing dishes in the kitchen, when Alex walks in and tells them he's surprised they're going to break up before college.

Syd and Elena haven't talked about the logistics, so Alex jokes that they should spend time apart from each other, thinking that they can't do it.

Syd and Elena agree to spend two days away from each other.

Penelope is in bed, watching TV. Lydia comes in and tells her daughter that she's accomplished so much without a man, and doesn't need one.

Then, Lydia tells the story of a friend that was alone throughout her life. Penelope gets scared that she's going to end up the same way.

Penelope shares her concerns in group therapy. She brings up Max, her ex-boyfriend.

Later, Elena and Alex are doing homework. It's officially been a day since Elena last saw Syd, and she freaks out.

Penelope walks in, Elena asks for her advice, and Penelope says while she likes being alone, she's going on a date.

All night, Penelope can't stop thinking about Max, and it interferes with her date.

Back at the apartment, Elena is still freaking out. Syd barges in, telling Elena that she called them, but it wasn't Elena, it was Lydia pretending to be Elena.

After her date, Penelope goes to Schneider's apartment, and she admits she still has feelings for Max. She blames the census, and Schneider tells Penelope that Avery is moving in with him.

Schneider encourages her to reach out to him.

Elena and Syd sweet talk each other, while Alex unwillingly listens. Alex brings up a memory, which leads to Elena and Syd kissing.

Elena and Syd agree they won't break up after all. They kiss again, Alex leaves the room.

Penelope stops by at the hospital Max works at, asking for him. She finds out that Max took a job in Indonesia.

Finally, Penelope goes home and her children comfort her. Alex reveals he has a girlfriend.

One Day At A Time
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One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Leslie: Let me just clear up some things. I am Dr. Leslie Berkowitz. Penelope's boss, and also I'm Lydia's exclusive, non-sexual, platonic companion.
Brian: What does that mean?
Leslie: I don't know.

Elena: How do you do it?
Penelope: Do what, honey?
Elena: Be alone, go through life without a partner who cares about you.
Penelope: Okay, well that's one way of putting it. Actually, I've been talking about this in therapy, and I love being alone, it's the best. And we're strong women who don't need a partner to define us.