"February 6, 2009"

En route to Vegas, Rex mentions to Gigi that they may also go to a wedding chapel. She asks if he's serious. She adds that she wants Sh...

"January 26, 2009"

Todd blasts Lee for trying to trap him. As she boasts that she's working for the police, Antonio and Talia burst in, guns drawn. Cuffin...

"July 6, 2009"

John asks Judge Runyon to help him save Cole's life. He would do that, John says, by allowing him to stay out of prison and work underco...

"October 29, 2009"

Jack leads his family to the Halloween party dressed as the "Fantastic Four" while Destiny arrives at Dorian's to seek his help saving Matthew in London. W...

"February 4, 2009"

David asks for "old school Viki" advice about Dorian. He insists that he is truly trying to change and has actually found peace. Hearin...

"August 17, 2009"

Bo tells Nora he almost stopped the wedding. Tea tells the judge she'll put Matthew on the stand instead of making an opening statement. Kimmy orders Stacy...

"August 19, 2009"

With the tee on the stand, Elijah asks Matthew to confirm he's responsible for his disability. The attorney suggests not wearing a seat belt proves Matthew...

"July 27, 2009"

Clint, Nora, Bo and Viki stare in disbelief when they insist on seeing the sign she and her friends are hiding. Clint guesses that Asa would have a good la...

"September 10, 2009"

Arriving in Llanview, Blair instructs Ross to hide out in the cabana. Blair puts plans on hold after she hears about the kidnapping and the beating Todd to...

"May 21, 2009"

Michael and Marcie tell Starr and Cole the exhumed baby is not Hope. Starr wonders if her baby might still be alive. When Rex tries to ...

One Life To Live Quotes

Antonio: What would you call that, Jessica?
Jessica: Doing what I have to do. Mitch has hurt my family in every way possible and I want to make sure that not only does he pay, that he never hurts my family again.
Antonio: Oh yeah? Well, not tonight you're not.

Natalie: Everything's going to be fine, guys. Just - just do what he says.
Flash: How can you be so calm?
Natalie: I don't know if I am calm, okay? I just - I've been through worse.
Flash: Yeah? Like what?
Natalie: Oh, like being strapped to a table and your grandfather ready to cut your heart out.
Flash: Oh. Yeah, you got me beat, then. Never mind