"November 18, 2008"

Natalie is reunited with Rex as Roxy looks on. Clint promises Jessica she's going to get the help she needs, while Marty kicks herself f...

"November 5, 2008"

Marty models one of her new outfits for Todd. Tess has a vision of Niki Smith, while a worried Clint and Viki wait for news about their ...

"November 13, 2008"

Talia and Antonio dig into Vanessa's background as Nora tells Bo she's gonna book his niece on attempted murder. Jessica is put into res...

"November 17, 2008"

Cole rushes into Marty's arms as John tells a shocked Blair and Nora how Marty has been living with Todd for months. Michael takes Marci...

"December 30, 2008"

Tea's shocked to stop by Todd's place with a bottle of champagne and finds he has a date for the night. Realizing it's Marty, Tea insist...

"December 11, 2008"

As Carlotta welcomes Tea back to Llanview, Antonio asks why she's back. Before she can answer, he guesses she's going to defend Todd. T...

"December 12, 2008"

Sarah worries to Viki that she's losing Cristian to another. Viki urges her to stand up and fight for the man she loves. Cristian and Va...

"November 6, 2008"

John demands to be released so he can rescue Marty Saybrooke. Across town, Todd and Marty share a passionate kiss, while Dorian bristles...

"November 12, 2008"

Relieved to hear that no one was hurt in the explosion, Tina fears her family will never forgive her for cooperating with Tess. Starr in...

"December 9, 2008"

Thanking him for all he has done, Vanessa surprises Cristian with a kiss. Afterwards, she apologizes and explains she wanted to kiss him...

One Life To Live Quotes

Antonio: What would you call that, Jessica?
Jessica: Doing what I have to do. Mitch has hurt my family in every way possible and I want to make sure that not only does he pay, that he never hurts my family again.
Antonio: Oh yeah? Well, not tonight you're not.

Natalie: Everything's going to be fine, guys. Just - just do what he says.
Flash: How can you be so calm?
Natalie: I don't know if I am calm, okay? I just - I've been through worse.
Flash: Yeah? Like what?
Natalie: Oh, like being strapped to a table and your grandfather ready to cut your heart out.
Flash: Oh. Yeah, you got me beat, then. Never mind