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PART I: John holds Ramsey accountable for Marty's death. Ramsey shows no guilt or remorse, which further enrages John. John nearly chokes Ramsey to death in a fit of rage. Knowing that Ramsey is responsible for Marty's death, Cole makes a dangerous move by grabbing a gun, out for revenge on Ramsey. Todd is deeply affected by the news of Marty's death and confesses to Blair (Kassie DePaiva) the guilt he still feels.

PART II: Todd feels he doesn't deserve any of his children, including Tommy. Natalie becomes angry when Jessica and Nash voice their belief that Jared is trying to pull a scam on the family. Renee welcomes Jared to the family with open arms but Clint and Nora remain highly suspicious. Miles turns to Natalie as news of Marty's death spreads. Rex and Adriana are concerned after learning Michael skipped a court appearance.

One Life To Live
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