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Last time on One Life to Live...

-- Jessica (Bree Williamson) is visibly rattled as her husband introduces her to his new business partner. Dorian again expresses to Clint her concern that Starr's best friend is being neglected by her parents. Meanwhile, an excited Starr happily confides to Langston how her baby brother has been found.

-- A weeping Marcie begs Michael to promise her that no one will take their beloved son away from them. Clint suggests to Dorian that she's looking to meddle in Langston's life simply because none of the Cramer women need her right now. Roxy (Ilene Kristen) arrives to pick Tommy up but Todd convinces the judge not to let the boy be removed from the courtroom.

-- Michael sidesteps his wife's frantic questions about who else may have known the truth about Tommy. Out of Nash's earshot, Jessica hisses at Jared to sell his share of the vineyard and leave Llanview. Starr and Langston (Brittany Underwood) are amused to find the wish lists they wrote one year ago.

-- After Roxy's heartfelt appeal on the McBains' behalf persuades the judge to allow them to keep Tommy for the night, a protesting Todd is led back to his jail cell. Later, Blair tries to make Todd understand that she did what she did out of love. Nora icily reminds John she will prosecute anyone and everyone who conspired to keep Tommy from his biological parent.

One Life To Live
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