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Today on One Life to Live, sensing that Oliver would be a good fit for the Cherryvale PD, Antonio hits upon a way to get Talia back on the force in Llanview. Adriana confides to Layla a suspicion that Rex may have a son. Meanwhile, Rex approaches Charlie with the news about their own family ties.

Dorian hints to Viki that her new boyfriend is already keeping secrets from her. Todd thanks Blair for trying so hard to be a good mom to Sam. Tipped off by Antonio, Talia sets about proving to her new boss that he'd be much better off if he traded her to the LPD for Officer Fish. Vincent offers to help Lindsay.

Nora and John drop by La Boulet for a chat with Todd about Marcie's upcoming arraignment. Dorian is startled to learn from Viki how Charlie claimed to be Rex's dad. Layla encourages Adriana to talk to her fiance about Shane. Charlie urges Rex to be proud of everything he's done, then promises they'll talk again.

Ramsey reminds Todd he still needs to permanently remove Gigi from circulation if he expects to avoid a prison sentence. Bo agrees to bring Talia back on board but advises Antonio to remember that fraternization between officers is deeply frowned upon. Blair asks John to convey a message to Marcie for her.

One Life To Live
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