July 27, 2007 Pic
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Part 1: Blair prods Starr to come clean with her dad about her relationship with Cole. Meanwhile, Matthew and Nora try their best to make Cole feel welcome at the Buchanan mansion. As Adriana rushes to free Rex, Talia finds Tate clinging to the ledge with one hand as he dangles from the roof. Paige explains to an agitated Bo why she's decided to go work with Doctors Without Borders after all. Nora smiles to hear Matthew dispensing some friendly advice to their new houseguest.

Part 2: Marty (Christina Chambers) tells John she's remembered more details about the night Spencer died. Unable to reach Tate, Talia implores Vincent to pull the man up before he falls to his death. Nash prepares a romantic surprise for Jessica in her hospital room. Todd berates his daughter for disobeying him, then blasts Blair for giving Starr and Cole her blessing. Though sorely tempted to let the OPP scum perish, Vincent finally pulls Tate to safety and Talia immediately places him under arrest.

Part 3: An angry Starr finds herself defending Cole before storming out on her parents. Though Marty feels certain she stabbed Spencer, John refuses to believe she's guilty. Adriana kicks herself for not trusting Rex. Far from displaying any gratitude, Tate insults an incensed Vincent with another racist remark.

One Life To Live
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