The Search Is On - Outcast
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Megan is still in the bathroom with Mark. She is touching his dead eyes. Holly and Amber are in the kitchen getting a snack. They go to tell Megan about their snacks and see all the blood. They run to the closet. Megan follows, but doesn't hurt them. Kyle and Reverend Anderson break into the house and find Amber and Holly and take them to Giles house, telling him about Mark.

Megan is in a field when the sprinkler system goes off and she goes crazy. Kyle and Anderson search for Megan, but can't find her even though they drove right by her in the alley.

Aaron is in Sidney's house again. He tells Sidney he knows about what he did to Anderson and will do whatever is necessary to help Sidney with whatever he's got planned for the town. 

Sidney finds Megan in Kyle's house. When Kyle finally get there, they're gone, but Sidney has left a note. He has Amber. He leaves to meet Sidney and has to go into a trunk to get where they are going. He's locked in a room with Amber and Sidney gives him some information about where he's from, but not much.

Reverend Anderson finds Kyle and breaks him out. Amber shows she has powers when she uses them on Megan. Megan becomes unpossessed and learns about Mark. Anderson goes to the trailer and sets it on fire thinking Sidney is in there, but he's not. It's Aaron.

Patricia finds Anderson and tells him about Aaron missing as Sidney drives by. It's clear Anderson knows he just killed the kid. Amber and Kyle are leaving town and stop at a gas station. As they go inside, people are staring at them. Are they possessed?

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Outcast Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Sidney: What do you think I'm here for?
Aaron: Must be big, considering what I'm guessing you did to get this house, and what you did to Anderson, and if it fucks this town right in the ass, then you can count me in.

The law will see it however you want to see it.

Reverend Anderson