Returning Home - P-Valley Season 2 Episode 5
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Keyshawn is participating in the Legends Bowl, an all-star lineup of pole dancers being held in Atlanta. Rome informs her that the Dirty Dozen Tour has been extended by a week. Miss Mississippi takes the stage and dazzles patrons and fellow dancers alike. Flashback to cheerleading tryouts where Keyshawn is outshown by her stepsister Alisha. She fails to make the team but wins Derrick's affection. Like in fairy tales, she has a nasty stepmother, Shannice, who favors her two daughters over Keyshawn. Derrick shows up, dress in hand, to take Keyshawn to the ball. Their interracial romance isn't well received, especially by his disapproving mother. Keyshawn determines that Derrick's father abuses him. They have sex in the car afterward. Back in the suite with her present tourmates, Keyshawn rolls around in the money she earned. Rome is too full of himself and pisses off everyone. In the past, Keyshawn gets pregnant from her post-ball roll with Derrick and they're fighting as a result. Derrick, who was kicked out by his family, ends up choking her. That was the night Miss Mississippi was born. Rome attempts to seduce Keyshawn but she rebuffs him. He shows her an incriminating video of Murda and Teak. He assaults her and tries to rape her but she escapes. Keyshawn tells Woddy everything that Rome did and said. She leaves the tour. In that past, Derrick apologizes for the first of many times. At home, Keyshawn can't understand why her son Jayden is so fussy. He has a dislocated elbow and bruises on his body. She confronts Derrick who denies any abuse. He claims it's just spanking. He beats her badly and threatens to burn her face with a hot iron. Woddy offers Rome cocaine, which is laced with fentanyl. Rome dies from what looks like an overdose. 

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P-Valley Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Rome: Don't worry. I already cleared everything with your little Justin Bieber. He's great.
Keyshawn: That wasn't the deal. I gotta get home.

Rome, can you stop? You makin' me seasick.

Keyshawn [to Rome]