Confrontation - Pandora
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Jax and Xander discuss Matta's sacrifice and how to track down the lost alien race they need to find. They think using Jax's DNA, they'll be able to track the race down. On analysis, her DNA has a fifth nucleotide base, Xanthine

Zazie and Jett track them down in the lab and are recruited to solve the DNA riddle.

Admiral Lucas and Harlan Fried discuss the anti-matter weapon. Fried hints that Osborn is involved with the Zatarian fleet's destruction.

Zazie and Jett decode the DNA sequencing and Jax recognizes the numbers they came up with as star map coordinates.

Xander begs Shral to join them on the mission to find the lost race. Shral tries to refuse.

Jax and Xander note that space has changed after the attack.

Zazie and Jett decide to go find Ralen who has been holed up in a VR simulator since the loss of Matta.

Xander wakes up on a farmstead. Shral walks past him and reports to his mother that Xander's older brother has been killed. Xander says that he wanted to be an architect. His mother offers to give up Xander if they will give her Zion back. Shral gives her a gun and she aims it at him. He turns and finds a girl who confirms that "here there be monsters". He wakes up at his desk.

Jett and Zazie find Ralen in the simulator, gardening. Matta joins him. Zazie and Jett discuss this development afterwards.

Jax dreams of being in the Ancients' motel. Matta is the maid. She opens the door to a portal and Xander, appearing behind her, pushes her through. She wakes up and reports to the bridge to inform Xander that the whole crew is having bad dreams.

Shral deams of running out of a field of sunflowers and being captured and tortured by a soldier looking for Jax.

Jett goes to convince Ralen to come out of the simulator. He threatens to delete the simulation and Ralen promises to kill him if he does.

Xander tries to convince his crew that dreams can't hurt you. Shral and Jax talk to him privately and he and Jax share their dreams but Shral claims he doesn't remember his dreams.

Jett shows up again and insists that Ralen come with him.

Shral has another nightmare but ends up in the airlock in real life. He hallucinates a phantom Pandora when it's the actual Jax trying to save him. Xander shoots the controls to deactivate the airlock.

Ralen has a deathgrip on Jett's neck and Jett activates a new simulation where he introduces Ralen to his dead sister, Sam.

Shral continues to insist he doesn't remember his dreams, not even what lead him to the airlock.

The Dauntless arrives at the coordinates and finds a debris field. Xander identifies it as the Melbourne, lost 150 years before. Shral identifies other debris as a old Sumi ship. There doesn't appear to be a planet but Xander points out that there's a void in the centre of the debris field and hypothesizes that it's a cloaked planet, exerting gravitational pull on the debris.

He, Jax, and Shral take a shuttle and let the gravity of the invisible planet pull them into a fall to the surface. Xander ventures out and finds a planet.

Ralen confides in Jett and thanks him. They connect.

Jac, Shral, and Xander walk through a field similar to what was present in their nightmares. Shral is seeing visions but stays calm, advising them on first contact strategies. They come across people sitting in a circle.

Jax sees an Ancient standing with the circle and realizes the inhabitants are telepaths and are responsible for the dreams they've been having. She approaches and one of the people, a girl who has appeared in their dreams, hangs a shell on a string around Jax's neck, saying,"Now, you have everything that you need."

Jax doesn't understand but there is no other information forthcoming. The team waits for eight hours and Jax tries to communicate with them again which plunges them into darkness.

Zazie comes to check in on Jett and Ralen and finds Jett alone. Ralen's left and asked Jett not to come looking for him.

The Dauntless leaves the planet with only the shell.

On the planet, the girl talks with her elders and they say she must persevere in making Jax and the others understand.

On the ship. Shral remembers giving up the location of Jax to the soldier.

Xander goes to check on Jax and she kisses him, apparently ready to reconcile.



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Pandora Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

We all have our share of tragedy.


Xander: I always seem to hurt you. Even when I try not to.
Jax: There's plenty of hurt to go around.