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Vincent tells Tariq to deliver double his product, and Tariq uses baby aspirin mixed in to try to fool Vincent. Evie tips off the Dean to Tariq pushing product and he gets expelled. 

Ghost tries to step down from Tate's campaign, but Ramona insists that he stay on. 

Dre tells Saxe about Ghost meeting with Jason, and Warner later tells Saxe that Maria Suarez is changing her story. 

Warner and Saxe go to Proctor and tell him that Maria now says she can ID Ghost. He takes that information to both Ghost and Tommy and tells them that Maria has to be killed. 

Later, Saxe plays the recording of Proctor and Lindsay in her final moments to Proctor. In exchange for immunity, he asks Proctor to tell him who killed Angela and he tells him it was Tommy. 

Tommy sneaks into Maria's apartment to kill her and overhears her talking to Saxe. After he leaves, he shots Maria dead. With help from 2-Bit and Tariq, Tommy breaks into the penthouse where Proctor and his daughter are staying and kills him.

Tommy and Ghost both receive 911 calls from Tariq and are met by Vincent who tells them they have 24 hours to deliver him 2 million dollars in exchange for Tariq. 

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Power Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Tasha: You better be careful. If she makes a mistake she could take us all down. Sure she can handle it?
Tommy: Yeah, she gonna be just fine.

James, you can't change your past. You are right about that. But you can dictate your future. If you want to show the world you're not the man in the orange jumpsuit, then you should tell them yourself.

Ramona [to Ghost]