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Fuller climbs a radio tower.

Harding and Valentine talk with Hynek and Mimi at his home about Fuller. Hynek gives him a bunch of numbers Fuller spouted off to the police. Once they leave Hynek runs to his office and writes them down. He turns on the radio to find a station talking about an invasion.

Quinn visits Susie to talk to her and he goes inside to talk about Mimi and Fuller.

While Quinn is there, Susie's surveillance radio goes off. Quinn follows but she comes out of the basement in time before he gets there. Mimi's husband is here with a gun incase Quinn causes trouble. Quinn asks Mimi and her husband to come in for a formal interview.

After he leaves, the husband is upset and beats Susie up.

Hynek is driving trying to find the source of the radio transmission. He finds the source and it's a model agency. He shows the woman the numbers and she takes him to the basement.

She gives him a picture that he takes to Quinn and Quinn tells him what it is. They begin talking about the Foo Fighters. Hynek wants to find one of the fighters. Quinn isn't convinced. Quinn agrees to help because the Foo Fighters case is still open.

Harding gets a call that Fuller has been find. The White House guy wants to shut down Project Blue Book. Harding resists. He orders his men to do whatever is necessary to get rid of Fuller.

Hynek and Quinn visit Randall Kavanaugh who proceeds to shoot at them once they identify themselves. Quinn takes control of the situation and ties the guy up to a chair. He tells hem all he knows.

Fuller breaks into a car and before he even starts it, strange things start to happen.

Susie's husband is upset and tells her to fix the problem with the Air Force.

Quinn, Hynek, and Kavanaugh go to meet the group of Foo Fighters. The men start to tell their stories. They tell Quinn that the antenna in their bunker is a way to talk to the aliens.

Mimi's neighbor shows up with cookies. She wants to know why there's a soldier outside. Neighbors are talking.

Fuller is driving and tries to change the radio station but it doesn't change and he hears weird noises in his head and crashes.

The Foo Fighters take Hynek and Quinn out to a barn where they prepare to give a demonstration of how they talk to aliens.

They send a signal and aliens apparently show up in the sky. Hynek has another explanation for what's happening. He thinks it's a reflection of car lights. The pilots are pissed off and kick them out.

Hynek takes Quinn to the abandoned amusement park from the first episode where he saw all the strange stuff, but it's gone.

Fuller is at the park and confronts Hynek. He wants to know if he destroyed the lab. Fuller said this is where everything started and tries to explain himself.

Hynek shows him the symbol, and he takes off with a gas can and sets himself on fire. Quinn stops Hynek before he can help Fuller. 

Hynek is at home and calls Quinn in the middle of the night. Quinn doesn't want to talk and thinks Hynek is just upset because of what Fuller did.

Quinn meets with Susie. She tells him that her husband isn't there and that they're separated. Susie wants Quinn to take her out for lunch. She's flirting big time and since he sees her black eye, he's sympathetic and agrees. But he's suspicious.

Harding thinks ha someone flipped Fuller's off switch and wants to know who.



Project Blue Book
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Project Blue Book Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

If you tell us what you saw out there, we'll get it out there.


If there is something more going on here, I want to find out about it.
