Fighting for a Navy SEAL - Proven Innocent
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Wren spends her first night out of prison with Maddie. Maddie invites her to be a clerk in her office. Maddie takes the case of Rachel Clarke, accused of killing another SEAL candidate, Christopher Moore. Isabel tells Gore what Levi said about Cathedral Cove, where Maddie and Rosemary used to hang out. Gore wants to dredge that cove for the murder weapon. Easy and Maddie get arrested for trespassing when they visit the military housing where the murder took place. Moore's father-in-law is also the base commander and he's obstructing their investigation. A neighbor boy said he saw a man come running out of Moore's house the night of the murder. Maddie and Easy get three days to find more evidence to get a new trial for Clarke. Levi confronts Heather at Linda's coffeeshop. Linda mentioned Sparrow Ridge, and Heather runs out. Maddie gets the unredacted report of who got in a fight with Moore before he was killed: his father-in-law. That fight was over his daughter, but he was at a banquet when Moore was killed. Clarke admitted she was friends of Moore and that he had been having nightmares about Fahdi. Gore's mentor Clifford tells him not to dredge the lake. Russo introduces Bodie to her nephew Nathan, who is living with her. Moore's SEAL team massacred a family while deployed overseas in the Fahdi District. Wyatt said Anderson must have killed Moore to keep him from talking. Maddie convinces him to testify. Anderson planted his gun in Clarke's locker. Clarke is released and reinstated to the Navy. Gore orders the dredging of the cove. Maddie admits to Violet that Wren was her girlfriend. Levi and Maddie drive to Sparrow Ridge and break into an abandoned house and find evidence the girls gathered there.

Proven Innocent
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Proven Innocent Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Easy: There is an easier explanation.
Rachel: What's that?
Easy: The real murderer framed you.

Bodie: This must be our latest ex-con law clerk.
Wren: You've had others?