Campaign Manager - Proven Innocent
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Maddie and Bodie are in the gay district. They run into two transgender women, one of whom considers Maddie a hero and was rooting for her during her trial.

They continue to the law firm they are meeting with. Their client is a trans woman who has been falsely convicted of killing another trans woman and who is being denied cross-sex hormones in jail. There's evidence the blood at the scene wasn't hers. But there's a problem: she doesn't want to get out of jail.

Cindy tells Easy and Maddie she doesn't want to leave jail because of the hatred waiting out there in the world because of transphobia, but she wants to get her hormones because without them s he will die.

Violet interviews Ira Glass, her hero, on her podcast and is very nervous talking to him.Ira Glass talks about the guest usually has the story, but if not the host can jump in. He compliments Violet. Violet tells him thanks for pretending to be a fan. He says he really is a fan. He asks her out to dinner in a few days. Violet is excited when he leaves.

Bellows' new campaign manager wants him to have an image of a hero, the man who saved Chicago. Bellow is glad the campaign is about him and not about Maddie like the old campaign manager wanted. New guy says Maddie is not equal to Bellows, she is a murderer. He suggests ignoring her unless he finds new evidence of her guilt.

Easy says they can't take the case if Cindy doesn't want their help. Maddie says they just need to find a reason to get her to say yes. She says Cindy needs hope.

Easy and Maddie talk about prejudice. Easy says some people in the community of color say you can hide who you love but you can't hide the color of your skin. Maddie remembers being with her girlfriend in prison. She asks what if you can't hide who you love?

Anyway, they talk to the owner of a gay bar who says the cops were harassing Vanessa, arresting her for prostitution all the time. Some guy attacked Vanessa and she was accused of assault for fighting back.

Bellows calls Isabel in. It's her first day in court. He gives her a pin and asks about Levi.. She says Levi keeps to himself. Bellows says if Isabel gets evidence against Levi she will sit second chair.

Cindy says straight men loved Vanessa and could get violent. She still is not interested in getting out.All of her friends are gone and she's sure everyone hates her. Maddie says this is not freedom and she has the right to freedom because she is innocent. Cindy doesn't understand why Maddie is being so nice to her. Maddie wants to fight for her. Cindy says fine.

Maddie and Easy are not happy about the judge they are getting. The judge says that Cindy's name is Steven and very quickly denies a new trial. Maddie asks for the case files to be re-opened and wins, but the judge is annoyed.

The team finds a possible witness who now manages a drag club. They go to the club and watch her show.

Later they talk to Debbie, who says some guy jumped her and Vanessa and the cops arrested them instead of the guy. It was one of many such incidents. She remembers a guy named Sam Marshall who was obsessed with Vanessa. He was a big finance guy. 

Later the team is working and some guy in a car throws a bottle at Bodie in a clearly hate-motivated attack. The cops don't care. They call Debbie sir and are disrespectful to Easy as well. Maddie says she gets they don't care, let's go.

The next day the team calls Sam Marshall. He denies knowing who Vanessa was and tells them not to contact him again.

Levi walks into the group and Isabel is crying. They are the only ones in the room. She says coming here makes her more sad. Levi says let's get out of here and do something not sad.

Maddie and Easy find Sam at his office. Easy says they'll have to talk to his co-workers if he doesn't talk.

Sam says it was a long time ago. His wife died two years ago. He has children and grandchildren, no one can find out about this. Maddie says they're just trying to find out what happened to Vanessa. Sam says he was out of town during the murder. He says he's the one who ended the relationship.

Bodie has Sam's credit card receipts from 37 years ago. But that doesn't prove anything -- someone else could have been using the car. Anyway he went to the ER two days after the murder. However, the bartender was lying about being trans accepting at his bar. He said transphobic things about Vanessa back in the day.

Isabel and Levi play pool. They drink shots together. Levi keeps agreeing even though he says no at first.

Ira and Violet have dinner. Violet says she has no personal life. Ira thinks she's very attractive. He has a girlfriend. Things get awkward fast. Violet asks why he wanted to have dinner. Ira wants her to host a podcast for him. But she would have to quit Until Proven Innocent and move to New York City.

Maddie and Easy confront Thomas. He says Stonewall didn't change things for gay people and many people felt the trans community was holding them back from equal rights. They had a fight before she died. She was furious because she was told not to speak at a Pride rally. He never saw her again. He hated her but she was his sister-in-arms.

Judge denied the motion for Sam's hospital records. Easy thinks Sam did it and Thomas did not. Bodie says subpoena Sam Marshall. Violet says maybe we can get his blood type some other way but she can't say how.

Levi and Isabel keep drinking. Isabel asks if Maddie really thinks Levi killed Rosemary. Levi finds that ironic but won't say why. Levi is drunk. He says everyone was looking for Rosemary except for Maddie. She was acting high and weird. He doesn't think she did anything to Rosemary.

Meanwhile Maddie goes and sees her girlfriend in jail. Her girlfriend says she has a parole board date but she doesn't see them together out there. Maddie does. But Maddie hasn't told anyone about her. Maddie says getting out is more important.

Isabel reports back to Bellows who says he never considered Maddie acted alone. Maybe Levi will be their star witness.

Violet goes to the hospital and talks a guy into getting her Sam's records. The guy gives her Samuel's wife's records by accident.

Sam Marshall is subpoenaed. He says Vanessa and he were just friends.e says his blood type is O+. Maddie asks about his wife. He says he doesn't know. Maddie gives the report as evidence and asks Sam if his wife committed the crime. He hesitates then admits it. 

Violet decides against taking Ira's job.She does the podcast to shine a light on the issues, not so she can be famous. Ira rambles about accepting her decision even though he doesn't understand it. Ira leaves and Violet worries she is making a mistake. Bodie says no, he wants her to be here and the team needs her here.


At the gay bar, Cindy sits alone looking at Vanessa's photo. She tells Thomas she should be dead too.  He apologizes for not supporting trans people earlier. 


Maddie calls her mom and tells her she's bi and that her girlfriend is in prison.



Proven Innocent
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Proven Innocent Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Imagine you are looking at yourself in the mirror. It sounds like you and it looks like you, but deep down you know this isn't your true self. On this week's episode of Until Proven Innocent, we examine what happens when one dares to finally live that truth despite knowing there are those in the world will hate you for it.


I was friends with a trans man in prison. Taking away his testosterone would have been like taking away his existence.
