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Richie Kane shows up at Archie's announcing that he's on the hunt for Mr. O's killer.

Muldoon uses Mr. O's wake to try and scare Jimmy straight. 

Patton meets with his son and brother to discuss who will take over Mr. O's book. After Rusty is told to leave, his uncle advocates for him taking over the position. 

Smitty talks to Jimmy at the wake, describing how he started working with Mr. O. When he realizes Jimmy is Muldoon's son, he leaves. 

Richie approaches Muldoon, saying how it never would have happened if he had been there. Muldoon admonishes him to go to the polices with any information he comes across. 

Petey Mac and O'Bannon are smoking outside when Richie exits. Things become confrontational between Richie and Sean. 

Richie thinks that Patton ordered the hit on Mr. O, but Smitty disagrees. Richie mouths off to him.

Patton, Rusty, and Tommy arrive at the wake. Patton pays his respects to Mr. O, but Rusty is there to see Kay.

Patton heads to the bar and gives a toast to Mr. O. Muldoon Sr. asks him to meet for an interview about Mr. O's case, and Patton reluctantly agrees. Outside, Terry also asks Patton for a meeting about the case. 

Bullman's daughter, Agnes, is upset about having to stay in with her family on her birthday. 

Muldoon meets with Duffy, and tells him that he's at the top of the suspect list. He refuses to act as an informant at first, but Muldoon roughs him up, and he quickly becomes agreeable to the idea.

Bullman gives his daughter a necklace after she blows out her candlers, but still won't let her go out with her friends.

Muldoon arrives home, and Christine is less than impressed with Jimmy's post-wake story telling. She again presses the idea of moving out of Hell's Kitchen.

Smitty arrives at a bar to pick up the take, and finds Patton waiting for him in the back. Patton asks Smitty about word on the street regarding Mr. O's death. After heavily implying that Smitty should not look into the murder, and should discourage others from doing so as well, Patton buys his loyalty with the offer to take over Mr. O's position.

Muldoon gets a tip on a high stakes poker game being run on the northeast side.

Bullman takes his daughter and her boyfriend out to lunch. Ryan asks for Bullman's blessing to marry Agnes, and Bullman is disturbed at the plans the two have made, but he gives his approval to make Agnes happy.

Muldoon meets Latucci and asks if he knows anything about the poker game. King wants to take it to the Captain if no one knows about it.

Smitty meets with Kane, who is not happy that the crew is still working for Patton. Kane wants to take over the whole west side. Smitty shoots the idea down, and Kane attacks him. Smitty has him thrown out.

King and Muldoon meet Johansen, who is dining with a madame,  about the poker game. They all think that Latucci is probably in with the guy running the game, but agree to hit it anyway. 

Charlie calls Fortune for a date.

Latucci harasses Petey Mac about his clothes. Muldoon tells Latucci that King thinks it best that he sit out the raid. 

Bullman gives Fortune the money he took from the John, and advises her to move and maybe leave behind prostitution.

Petey Mac, Bullman, and Muldoon break up the poker game. They threaten the crowd to flush out the game runner. They find Todesco's son, and let everyone but him and the dealers go free. 

Petey Mac pays off the uniforms and the three PMD cops put the rest of the take in the trunk of Muldoon's car.


Public Morals
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Public Morals Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Do me a favor, don't worry about that, okay? Just go take a seat, say a prayer, and hope you don't end up an idiot like the rest of them.

Terry Muldoon

Christine Muldoon: Rather than knocking some sense into him, wouldn't it be easier to just move?
Terry Muldoon: Uh, yeah, but it would be a lot more expense, whereas a smack doesn't cost us a thing.