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Epifanio tells Camila to come home to Mexico because her life is in danger because she tried to have Birdman killed. She agrees, comes home temporarily and the two have sex when she arrives. They come clean with one another about what they’ve done. Camila admits that Teresa works for her now, but she still won’t hand her over. 

Teresa follows Maria and her son into the tunnel to Mexico. Maria’s family threatens Teresa with a chainsaw. Despite Maria’s pleas, her father believes they have to kill Teresa before the cartel tortures her to find out Maria’s location. Maria stops them from killing her and her son helps Teresa escape. 

James finds out that Teresa’s car was towed from the church parking lot and heads there. He finds surveillance footage from a gas station across the street and gets the license plate number of the car Teresa left in. The car belongs to one of Brenda’s lackeys. James makes them call Brenda. James tells Brenda he’ll shoot the guys if she doesn’t turn over Teresa. Brenda tells him to do what he’s gotta do and hangs up. James tells the men to tell him everything they know about Brenda. 

Teresa makes it back to the gas station where she hid the journal but it’s not there. The owner and his brother found it after a pipe burst in the bathroom but they give it back to Teresa. 

Maria’s family pays off the Mexican police who track down Teresa and turn her over to them but they end up letting her go and she makes it back through the tunnel to Texas. Teresa finds James and tells him the maid is gone. He tells Camila the maid is dead. 

Teresa gives the journal to Brenda to try and figure out what it means but some of the pages have been cut out. 

The Jimenez cartel tells Epifanio that they’ve helped keep his real business dealings quiet to help him become governor but that can change if they don’t get something in return. 

Camila promises Epifanio she’ll stay away from Birdman but tells James to kill Birdman. 

Queen of the South
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Queen of the South Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Loss can change a lot of things.


I've been walking around that ego for 25 years. It's like a bad road that you learn to know all the bumps.
