Comforting Violet - Queen Sugar
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Jimmy Dale shows up at the diner. Violet is so shocked that she passes out and when she wakes up he’s gone. She asks Hollywood to take her home where she tells him the man at the diner was Jimmy Dale.

When Jimmy returns to the diner, Hollywood tells him to leave town if he doesn’t want another beating like the one Ernest gave him years ago, then he follows Jimmy’s car to the St. Josephine border.

Nova avoids Violets calls. Her book gets a rave review from The New York Times and she’s thrilled.

Micah reads the book. When Charley tries to explain that what’s black and white in a book can be filled with shades gray in real life, Micah agrees but says that the book was written by someone he trusts. Charley takes that to mean that her son doesn’t trust her.

Keke calls Micah out for beating up the guy who insulted him. She’s not interested in being with some “new age thug” and she needs him to channel his anger better. Micah promises to try.

Micah gets a death threat and he’s shocked when Charley calmly says she’ll deal with it. Turns out he’s been getting them since his speech at the prison rally. It’s why she sent him to Paris for the summer, where he had a security detail he never knew about. She’s been protecting him even when Micah didn’t know about it.

Charley finds out that although she isn’t allowed to attend Landry Enterprises board meetings because she doesn’t own enough shares, Jacob Bourdreaux attends them and he owns the same amount of shares as she. Turns out Sam Landry passed new by-laws so that family members can attend board meetings even if they don’t meet the minimum shares.

Charley confronts Jacob and while she’s telling him off, he texts her saying that he can’t speak freely while in the building. Later, he tells Charley not to ruffle any more feathers and that Francis is in D.C. looking to expand Landry Enterprises.

After Romero gives medical attention to one of Ralph Angel’s undocumented workers, Charley offers to help fund a pop up clinic with Romero in an empty building at the mill.

Ralph Angel tells Prosper about Nova’s book and how she tells the world that he’s not Blue’s biological father. Prosper says his Daddy wasn’t his biological father either, but he was still his Daddy and that’s what counts.

Ralph Angel tells Darla about the book and says that he and Darla will talk to Blue together when the time is right.

Jimmy Dale shows up at Violet’s house, calling it his. When Violet tells him to leave, he doesn’t. Then Nova shows up and it becomes clear that she’s seen Jimmy recently. Jimmy taunts Violet and Nova tries to kick him out of the house when Hollywood gets home and beats him. Violet and Nova have to hold Hollywood back, afraid he’ll kill Jimmy, as Jimmy taunts them before he leaves.

Turns out Nova spoke with Jimmy for the book because she wanted to get his part of the story. She never expected him to turn up again to cause trouble for Aunt Vi. Violet tells Nova to leave her house and that she’ll never be welcomed there again. Nova leaves in tears.

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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Micah: I’m not judging you, Mom, I just don’t understand you sometimes.
Charley: So you believe everything you read?
Micah: No, but this book was written by somebody I trust. So…
Charley: Trust. So you don’t trust me.

Violet: I called her three times this morning.
Hollywood: She’s too scared to answer. Hell, I would be too.
Violet: Then she shouldn’t have put my life out there for the world.