Prosper Comes Home - Queen Sugar
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Prosper comes home, but things are still tense between him and Billie.

Ralph Angel's harvest isn't what he hoped it would be, making his financial issues even worse. There's a town council meeting about the fund set up by the USDA to make payouts to farmers due to generational discrimination. The meeting is tense, and everyone is disappointed when they are told it will take at least another six weeks to get more information about who will get paid.

Hollywood spies Violet taking money from the cash register and sneaking out with it and a large box of food and supplies. He confronts her about it, and she takes him to meet Selene and her son, Gabriel. Selene put up with her husband's abuse until he started abusing Gabriel when they were all stuck in the house together during Covid.

Hollywood is upset that Violet is keeping secrets; she says she's tired of arguing with him about her helping people. She accuses him of helping other people with The Real Spot over himself.

Micah's drinking during the day, and he seems visibly depressed or upset. Later, he has a panic attack at school.

An envelope is left on Nova's porch. It contains her picture with a target on it. Upset, she crumples it out and throws it away.

Davis is invited to Violet's for a family dinner as Charley and Davis announce their reconciliation. Davis apologizes to the family for hurting them all and thanks them for giving him another chance.

Davis gets the job as head coach for the Los Angeles Dynasty, which means he's headed back to Los Angeles. He worries their reconciliation will cause problems for Charley's political aspirations, but Charley isn't worried. She plans to spin them as the golden couple who found their way back to one another. She posts a photo of the two of them together with the hashtag #BlackLoveNeverDies.

Hollywood has the grand opening of The Real Spot. Ralph Angel brings Theo, a friend he knew from prison. When Theo finds out that Ralph Angel is having financial troubles, he asks him to help steal a shipment of computers. Ralph Angel turns him down.

Darla tells Violet, Nova, and Charley that she feels like something is coming that she isn't going to like. Vi tells her to hold on to her joy.

Both Violet and Nova say that Billie can't be trusted. Violet says there was a rumor that Jimmy Dale was cheating on her with Billie. Jimmy Dale cheated on her a lot, but Vi thought of Billie as family, and she's never gotten over it.

Darla and Ralph Angel learn that they need a midwife and a Doula, and the insurance won't cover all of it. Darla considers giving birth in the hospital, but Ralph Angel insists things will work out.

Billie tries to talk to an angry Nova, who says that Billie told Ernest that Nova was gay and Nova's relationship with her father was never the same. But Billie is angry too. When Jimmy Dale started telling everyone in town how good she was in bed, everyone accepted that she had slept with him. Jimmy Dale forced himself on Billie, but when she tried to tell Prosper or Nova or the rest of the Bordelons, no one would listen because they already believed Jimmy Dale's story. Eventually, Billie told Ernest, who was kind and seemed to believe her. It made Billie angry that Nova's father believed her, but her own father didn't. In a moment of anger, Billie told Ernest that Nova was gay to ruin their relationship. Billie was 18. After she graduated, she left St. Jo's and never looked back.

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Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Nova: You waking up was a ray of light. Keep shining on us.
Prosper: I intend to.

Charley: When you're in Chicago, all he talks about is you.
Billie: And when I'm here, all he talks about is the Bordelons.
Charley: Then there's love on both sides of the equation.