Watching an Eviction - Queen Sugar
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Violet and Hollywood are approved to be official foster parents. Violet is so excited that they repaint the bedroom and so nervous she feels the social worker may have changed her mind. But the social worker said they could get a child in as soon as 72 hours or as long as 90 days.

Hollywood speaks at the debate for the school board and does well. He talks about how he was a kid who fell through the cracks and never graduated high school. He wants to make sure that doesn't happen to others.

Nova hosts a dinner for Dominic's friends where Dominic's boss, Dr. Barnes, offers him the position of lead archeologist on a prestigious dig in Mali that will last 16 months. Dominic wants Nova to come with him, but she says this is his path, not hers. The two break up.

Violet gets the contracts for bringing Pies into grocery stores. The problem being the recipes are written down and are all in her head, so it's going to take some time to get them right.

Ralph Angel and Darla still disagree about telling Blue about Chase. But Blue is home for a visit, and everyone is thrilled.

Billie plans to move back to Chicago when the Landry/co-op business is over.

Micah is offered the position of East Coast Coordinator for the Law Enforcement Accountability Art Project. It requires dropping out of school and moving to New York. Micah is thrilled, but when he calls Charley, he's upset that she is not.

Sam Landry is evicted from his home, and his land will be auctioned off. Ralph Angel is worried because his family's land is in the middle of it. But Sam plans to have his friends bid on his land during the auction so he can somehow get it back. The Farmer's Co-op will go up against people with deep pockets.

Prosper gets the community to chip in to help try and win the auction.

Nova hosts a prayer circle for Aunt Martha with her friends and on her property to help usher her spirit into the next realm. Nova feels a connection with Martha and her mother.


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Queen Sugar Season 7 Episode 12 Quotes

[about Sandy] She rearranged every room in the house. And if she didn’t move it, she threw it away. But I love every second of it.


Nova: Looking at this, I realize I spent a lot of time living up to his expectations, and I lost track of hers. How could I let this happen?
Ralph Angel: Pops had that effect on us. It felt like it was a struggle trying to be who I wanted to be and be who he wanted me to be.