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Three years and nine months before Schmigadoon, Josh and Melissa attend a play that they duck out of early. Outside the theatre, Melissa says, "I love you," to Josh for the first time and he reciprocates. It starts to snow on them.

In Schmigadoon, Josh approaches Emma Tate, looking to rent the room above the schoolhouse. By dropping Mildred Layton's name, he gets her to hire him as her handyman.

At the doctor's clinic, Doc Lopez lays out his nurse expectations to Melissa. The retired Doc Lopez tries to sneak some lubricant to help with sex with his wife but Jorge states they are too old for sex.

Nancy comes in, a pregnant girl looking for medical care, but Doc Lopez turns her away. Melissa realizes that he is no longer the only medical caregiver in town.

In the schoolhouse, Josh is stumped by the first job, and Emma leads the class in a song "With All of Your Heart" to remind him to put an effort in.

At the town bake sale, Rev Layton is at the Methodist table while Mayor Menlove looks on longingly. He buys two of Layton's rhubarb squares and tries to share one but Mildred intercedes and eats the square. Aloysius splits his other one at share.

Melissa tracks down Nancy and her partner, Freddy. They're hiding in a shack because Nancy's mother doesn't approve of them and won't let them marry. Melissa explains how babies are made and born with a song.

Josh is still having issues with the door. Emma recommends he try again tomorrow. Suddenly, Farmer McDonough bursts in with his shotgun and Betsy.

Emma quickly disarms him and gives him a dressing down. She sends him and Betsy home.

When she asks Josh to tell her about the city, music strikes up but he refuses to sing which Emma interprets as a rejection of her.

Melissa bandages up Pete who got hit with boiling corn puddin' and Josh arrives at the clinic. He asks for advice to woo Emma.

Nancy comes in in labor. Josh scrubs in to help.

After the baby is born, Josh and Melissa wish each other luck in their romantic endeavors and part ways.

Doc Lopez returns and is upset about Melissa delivering Nancy's baby and giving his parents lubricant for lovemaking. Melissa confronts him about his beliefs about medicine and declares that she'll help his parents learn all sorts of new sex positions.

Elder Doc Lopez dies during sex. Rev. Layton conducts the service, commenting on how Jorge was widowed only two years previously.

Josh arrives and sits with Melissa, comforting her with the fact old Doc Lopez's heart attack was inevitable.

As Rev. Layton preaches about making every moment of our lives on Earth, Melissa points out to Mayor Menlove that he should follow his heart. He decides to start right away and announces to the congregation that he is gay (reprise of "Somewhere Love is Waiting for You"). Florence runs out of the church, crying.

Josh finds Carson and gives him a kazoo. They talk about popularity and Josh encourages Carson to give the kazoo a try. He is excited about making music with it and shares his joy with Emma who looks upon Josh more favorably now.

Melissa finds Doc Lopez in the gazebo in the evening. They talk about their relationship.

Emma comes to thank Josh for helping Carson.

Emma and Doc Lopez simultaneously declare their love for Josh and Melissa in song, "Suddenly". The dance from The Sound of Music is recreated with a split screen and both couples dancing. The number ends with the couples kissing as it starts to snow.

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Schmigadoon! Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Emma: You're the one who broke poor Betsy McDonough's heart, then crossed the footbridge with every woman in town in some pathetic attempt to bag a wife. And how'd that work out? Get yourself a good one?
Josh: Ah, still looking.

Josh: You didn't tell me there were going to be naked people.
Melissa: I didn't know. Dave didn't mention it. Oh no, is Dave going to be naked?
Josh: His character is called The Unprotected Secret Truth so I'm thinking yes. I cannot see Dave naked.
Melissa: Sure you can. We're doctors.
Josh: I operate on knees. This is way above my pay grade.