Searching For Jason - SEAL Team
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Jason and Cerberus are under fire, lying behind a log. Then Bravo arrives to rescue them. Brock and Cerberus get evaced. Jason stays in the fight after getting fluid from an IV and takes charge again. The three companies assault the compound. But Al-Hazred escapes into the nearby tunnels. Bravo follows them, picking off terrorists as they go. They find Al-Hazred. Ray almost steps on a pressure plate but Thirty Mike shoots Al-Hazred before he could set off a boobytrap. Jason and Chaplain Walker debate what had been accomplished in Afghanistan as the drawdown continues. Davis does her best to cheer up a depressed Mandy. Sonny tells Davis that taking down Al-Hazred was her victory and he apologizes to her. Ray is off to Chief Warrant Officer Academy and Clay is off to STA-21. The battle against Al-Hazred appears the last stand of Bravo Team. NCIS is looking for who wrote the letter extolling the late Ambassador Marsden to her husband, figuring it came from Bravo. Jason and Mandy discuss how to handle their demons and what their futures hold. Mandy says she's walking away from the CIA. Clay admits to Captain Lindell he wrote the letter. He loses STA-21 as a result. Jason returns to his empty apartment. Clay tells the team he wrote the letter. Ray actually wrote the letter and Clay is taking the heat for him. Clay admits he likes being on Bravo. Everyone thinks Cerberus should retire and just be a dog. Clay reveals to Rebecca that he lost STA-21 by taking the hit for the letter but she doesn't understand and they break up. Davis turns up for Ray's send-off. Natalie and Jason don't reconnect. Ray admits he wrote the letter to Jason. Jason tells the team he's done as an operator.

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SEAL Team Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

That airstrike's going to come down right on top of them.


With the drawdown concluding, this could be our last major action in Afghanistan. Let's make it a good one.
