Jason and Ray - SEAL Team
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Jason is paranoid, and complains that all of his missions involve Clay and Ray.

They both tell him he doesn't have his head in the game, and that he needs some help.

Jason starts to understand and says he was worried about how to go out, and he asked for some time.

Ray wakes him up and they go for breakfast, but it's a ruse to make Jason speak to someone who has been through something similar.

The man tells Jason there was a way but it would take time and it would help his brain navigate the scarred tissue.

Jason wanted to try it straight away, and he confronted faces from the past as a result.

He speaks to Alana and she says he isn't to blame for her death, something that resonates with him.

Clay goes in search of Sonny who is in a hotel room with a group of women having a party after stealing drugs and money.

Clay breaks up the party and tells everyone tol leave.

Colombian drug lords arrive and try to kill them and they both escape, but Clay is mad at Sonny, telling him he's done with his bullshit.

Davis makes a break in the case.

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SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 12 Quotes

Clay: Hey, you know what I've noticed? All of my shifts, either on watch or leave, now line up with one of you two. You want to explain that?
Ray: Just managing the workload, brother.
Clay: Bullshit. Both of you are looking for ways to look over my shoulder, isn't that it?
Clay: It's not like that.
Ray: It's not like that? If you don't think I can lead this team, you tell it to my face right now, Ray. Go ahead. Tell it to my face. Straight up. What? He get in your ear, you listen to him?
Ray: We're just watching your back.
Jason: Yeah. While sharpening your knives. After everything we've been through, you trust that little shit more than me?
Ray: Jace, look, man, it's killing me to say this, but... you're compromised, man, and you're putting the team at risk.
Jason: Because this guy here-- he's still bitching about the probe in North Korea?
Clay: No.
Jason: No?
Clay: Because you brought that building down on us in Mali.
Ray: Did not. Bullshit. Enemy did that, and you know that.
Clay: You and I found an EOD hazard when we were clearing. Told me to mark it, and then you forgot, right? You had the GIGN just set a charge right on it.
Ray: Just want what's best for you and for the team, brother.
Jason: I'm what's best for this team. I'm what's best for this team! What, are you gonna go to Command?
Ray: No.
Jason: It's obvious to me that loyalty and brotherhood are just words to you. You're both a disgrace to the Trident. Both of you.

20 years of combat, and all the ways I could've gone out. Command taking my bird is the worst way it could end.
