Leanne is Scared - Servant
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The Turners are gearing up to celebrate Christmas.

Sean is trying to make a meal, while Dorothy struggles without Jericho, and Julian is just getting high on drugs.

Dorothy's father and girlfriend show up at the house and things get strange quickly.

Julian belittles Kourtney with a K as Dorothy continues to question what's happening with Jericho.

Julian overdoses and dies, and Leanne reacts by kissing him. He comes back to life and says that he is happy in the other side.

Julian's father tells the paramedics that he had drugs.

Leanne finds a noose in the basement and quizzes Dorothy. Her response is that it is a contingency plan in the event that she doesn't get her son back.

After a wild day of strained emotions, everyone disperses, but the Turners get a knock on the door.

It's a lady with white hair, donning black clothes, who says that she has some information about getting Jericho back.

Does this suggest that Jericho is alive, or are we being led on another wold goose chase?


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Servant Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Julian: What we did was a mistake. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Leanne: I'm not. I feel different now, Julian, more powerful. It feels good. I think it feels good for you too, doesn't it?
Julian: This isn't right. I'm not right in the head.
Leanne: Then just let me take your pain away, like I did last night.
Julian: What are you doing, Leanne?
Leanne: What I want.
Julian: I should go.

Sean: They're talking about playing games, so I decided to slip out.
Dorothy: Lunch was nice.
Sean: Thank you.
Dorothy: It's just after three.
Sean: What do you think?
Dorothy: Maybe I was wrong. We'll give them to sunset.
Sean: Yeah.