Into the Past - Sharp Objects
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Camille is eating and her mother comments on it, saying that it's the first time she's witnessed her eating since she returned home. Camille offers to pick things up for her in town, but Adora says it's fine and she will help her. 

Camille learns that the kid's bike was found in the pool on the family land, and storms home to dole out some words. Adora is not impressed that Camille parked on the grass, and says that her daughter has worn out her welcome. 

Alan confronts Camille and compares her to Adora's mother, and that's why she's so problematic. Adora gives him the middle finger and heads to her friend's car. She meets with ladies from school, and they are just as sad as she expected. 

Camille is cornered by Kirk who says that he is sorry for what happened between them all those years ago, and says it's cut him up every day. 

Camille gets dropped off at a gas station and is forced to take a ride with Amma, and ends up getting drunk and high on drugs with her friends. 

Sharp Objects
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Sharp Objects Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

It's safer to be feared than loved.


Do you ever feel like bad things are going to happen to you?
