Piecing Together Evidence - Shining Girls
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Kirby is still staring at the ceiling while Marcus holds her. She asks after her mom. And where's all the shit? They're having a party for his birthday. She had no idea.

She wanders the house, looking at their wedding photos and trying to acclimate to the situation.

People stream in, hugging and touching her, but they're strangers. At least she has wine.

Kirby goes to the bedroom. Her diary is under the mattress. It's filled with the information she needs.

Dan meets Howard at the game room. He wants information from Howard as to whether Julia's wounds are similar to Kirby's. Julia was dragged and had a C3 fracture.

Dan wanted to know if anything was left inside of Julia, and when he checks the box, he finds something on a company that has been closed since the '50s. After taking a photo, Dan asks to see Julia. Howard obliges.

Julia doesn't look like a Julia anymore. While Howard is talking, Dan shuts off the lights. Radium. The tin was inside of her.

Harper reads the paper and has some coffee. He's looking for information on Julia, and he finds it.

The coffee mug Harper takes the table is different now. First, it was brown. Now, it's patterned china.

He notices but doesn't take notice.


Harper visits his friend, Leo, who seems a little off of his rocker and resides in a facility. Harper is there to see Julia. Leo wonders if she's his girl. No, not this time.

Julia is just coming into work. She signs in, and Harper offers her a coffee. She recognizes that he's in the service. He mentions her hair and touches it. She pulls away. Don't touch me. He's annoyed.

Julia arrives home to find her dad unpacking boxes. She's just moved in. When she uncovers one of the pots, she finds a polaroid of herself wrapped with it and asks her dad about it.

Kirby is at work, clipping articles. Dan asks after clips on her assault. There wasn't much reporting on it. He's having second thoughts about using her as a source. He needs to vette her answers, but he doesn't feel comfortable doing that when they're also working together.

Dan wonders what she meant by what was left inside of her. Kirby takes him to a local laundromat. There were matches inside of her from the B Happy Bar with that address. There's no such place, and city records confirm there never was.

Dan shows her what was inside of Julia. The weight of it has her sitting down. Dan wants her to walk him through what happened to her.

She was walking her dog by the beach. He wonders whether Marcus was there. Does she have any family? They talked about her mother. No, he says, they didn't. Things get heated, but quickly calm down. They just want to get it right.

Kirby tracks down her mother. She's part of a religious group called The Well. Until she hears her mother's voice, Kirby doesn't even think to look for her. Rachel sees Kirby and takes her into her arms.

Kirby wants her hospital records and photos, but she's not getting away quickly, as her mother begins calling on the heavenly father and the entire group circles them both closely to praise god.

Rachel doesn't have what she needs readily available, and she's shocked to hear why Kirby needs it. They uncover a tape of one of Rachel's shows and watch it together.

Dan visits Julia's patient who has stories about Julia needing her hand held walking to her car. Something scared her, but she never mentioned it. He wishes she had. He says she was a one of a kind diamond.

Dan visits the cop again. Sharon Leeds was Kirby's former name. He says that Kirby barely had any memory post assault and isn't reliable. He even thinks that Pawel was stalking Julia.

When Kirby gets home, the table is set. She was supposed to come home a couple hours ago. He knows her and trusts her, and as Kirby watches him taking photographs, she has a new appreciation for the man she married.

Someone is making noise outside of Julia's house, throwing things at the window. Nobody is out there, but in an adjoining room, there is a polariod. She goes downstairs, finding more polaroids. They are various shots of her doing things she just did or has yet to do.

Julia grabs an exacto knife, scared out of her mind. On the sink is a photo of her holding the photograph that's in her hand.

Harper calls. She let him in. He knew her once. He says he has memories and can't remember when they're from anymore. Does she think she can remember her future?

Dan confronts Kirby about her name. She offers to walk him through what the police left out.

The cops took Kirby's statement when she was on pain meds and never returned. Dan is surprised that she wanted to be a reporter and isn't doing it now. It was too long.

Kirby doesn't understand how nobody else saw her attacker. There were so many people, and then there just weren't, and she was alone.

Kirby and Dan head to Julia's service to talk to her dad. Dan reveals that he has a 12-year-old son. She asks him for a read on Marcus, and it differs from hers.

Marcus asks her to hang back because he only told Julia's father he was coming. Dad slams the door in Dan's face. He's exhausted and stressed. While Dan goes off to work the room, Kirby decides to head into the house to have a look for herself.

She uses the "I have a pair of Julia's earrings" trick.

Once everyone is out of the kitchen, Kirby goes upstairs.

Dan sees Harper poking around outside and heads over. While they chat uncomfortably, Kirby finds tapes that Julia kept of her calls to the police. When Kirby hears the voice, she knows it's him. As he tells Julia that he's with her through everything, he's with all of them, Kirby's face is shocked. She takes the tape to Dan. It's him.

They take the tape to Abby, who has some questions. Notably, how did his source hold up?

Harper is back at the house. When he lays on the bed, he can see dust particles dancing around him. It's the imprint of a body on the bedspread in irradium.

Shining Girls
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Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Half those people are dead now. Or in real estate.


Dan: Kirby, I'm not trying to trip you up here. These are very basic questions.
Kirby: For you, but not for me! Not today.
Dan: OK. You don't have to have to have all the answers now. It's OK. I don't need them now. OK?
Kirby: I just don't want to get it wrong.