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Jimmy and Karen are happy after their night together, but get interrupted when Karen's father shows up. Karen has him leave through the window to avoid a conversation with her father. He shows up at rehearsal to check out her new show. He's upset that Karen left a Broadway show to follow Derek. Her father mistakenly believes he was the one climbing out the window and calls Derek out for leading his daughter astray. He later realizes that she has a relationship with Jimmy instead. He's still not happy. He apologizes to Derek and outs Karen's relationship with Jimmy.


The Hit List has its first public appearance at a fundraising event. Karen sings a lovely, but low key song. Ana sang a huge production number floating in the air. Richard, the newspaper art director, missed Karen's performance but loved Ana's. This led to Scott asking Julia to look over the show and make notes, including how to bump the Diva role to second lead.


Jimmy's past came back. He owes his former friend, drug dealer money. Jimmy looks for something to steal in the coat room, but is caught by Derek. Jimmy comes clean about his problem and Derek gives him the money. When Jimmy goes to pay it, he takes drugs with him. 


Just as Tom and Julia are about to tell Ivy about casting her mother, Leigh, on the show, she shows up. Ivy is not happy about this at all, but is willing to try it out. Their performance is horrible and Tom uses their personal issues to hep with the performance. Ivy and Leigh have a big fight in front of everyone. Then, they end up giving a brilliant performance that makes Julia cry. Afterward, Ivy tells Tom that she can't be his friend any more. He is just a boss to her.


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