Say what now? - Star Trek: Discovery
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Book flashes back to the moment of Kwejian's destruction. Burnham tries to comfort him but is called away.

Saru has joined the Discovery and he offers to be Burnham's Number One.

The Federation leaders and the Ni'Var president meet. The anomaly is five lightyears across. They have a prediction of where it's going and the Federation begins an evacuation plan.

Saru and Tilly talk about what happened outside the dilithium planet.

Discovery jumps to the coordinates of the anomaly. Using a filter, it doesn't look like what was predicted. The ship's scanners aren't getting any information. Book offers to fly his ship in. Burnham wants Detmers to fly the ship in. Book refuses to let Detmers fly his ship.

Adira and Gray look at the synth body Culber created for him.

Burnham stands in her holo ready room to look at Ni'Var. Saru joins her.

They discuss Book's plan. Saru has plans to help make things more secure.

They offer to send Stamets as a holo to support Book. They tether the ship.

Stamets is concerned about how to interact with Book. Book is unfriendly and resents Stamets' presence on his ship.

As Book enters the anomaly, the Discovery is hit by a gravitational wave, distorting the ship's gravity momentarily.

Tilly and Adira work on figuring out the wave that hit the ship.

They get hit again

Burnham releases the tether in order to pull the Discovery back and allow Stamets time to get his scans.

Book tries to get Stamets to go back with the data but Stamets says the data lives in Book's ship

Using the waves in the anomaly, Book tries to ride them out of the anomaly.

He misses the first wave and becomes fixated on a vision of his nephew.

Burnham opens a private channel and talks him out of the crisis.

He catches the next wave and successfully exits the dust cloud.

Stamets thanks Book for saving Culber and Adira on the dilithium planet. He promises to figure out the anomaly for him.

Tilly seeks out Culber for some counseling.

Adira returns to their room and Gray gives her props for her work. Adira admits that everything happening reminds her of Gray's death.

Burnham and Book talk about what happened. Book expresses his grief over losing his family.

Tilly reports to Saru and reveals that the anomaly has changed its path for no discernible reason. Their data will not help them predict the anomaly's path.

Star Trek: Discovery
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Tilly: Life is just a blink. It is one heartbeat in the entire lifespan of the universe. Just don't think I really understood that before.
Saru: How we choose to spend our moments, in the short time that we have, matters.

Our mentor, Philippa Georgiou, knew the value of another set of trusted eyes, especially in times of crisis. I asked you to be those eyes for me when I became captain. Now, it would be my honor and, indeed, my privilege, to do the same for you as your Number One, if you will have me.
