Ro and Picard - Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 5
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The bridge crew of the Titan are waiting for all systems to come online before they head home. Jack walks onto the bridge. When questioned, he kills the crew member, then opens fire on the others.

He stands over Ensign Esmar. She looks up and says she knows what he really is. Behind him, the red growth from his vision spreads over the bulkhead. It appears on Esmar’s face. He shoots her and wakes up with tears in his eyes.

He is standing in his quarters and realizes he’s holding a phaser. He drops it. He hears voices. The irises in his eyes glow red. The voice says, “Come home.”

Part Five: “Imposters” Riker records an acting captain’s log, chronicling the Titan’s pause to repair. No sign of Vadic.

Riker, Seven, Shaw, and Picard meet to discuss the changeling they found embedded in the crew.

They question how the changeling fooled the screening protocols.

Riker and Picard agree that they must face the music and answer for commandeering the Titan.

Riker returns the command of the ship to Shaw. Shaw informs them he’s already contacted Starfleet and they’re on their way. He reinstates Seven and then leaves the room to allow the other three to discuss their story. Picard decides he’ll take the blame.

Beverly and Jack are waiting for Picard outside the ready room. He hopes they can return to their lives now that they’re out of danger. Beverly doesn’t think the danger is over. She wants to examine the changeling’s body.

Picard agrees and she leaves. Picard suggests Jack may want to join Starfleet and he scoffs at the idea. Picard leaves him at that. Jack turns and spots Esmar looking at him.

On La Sirena, Raffi and Worf train in fighting skills. The ship’s computer alerts them to an encrypted incoming message. It’s Worf’s handler and it’s been over a day since they contacted them about access to Daystrom Station. The message is the request has been denied. When pressed, the response is to find another way.

Worf concludes the denial came from above his handler. Raffi is frustrated. She wants to break into Daystrom herself, but Worf states they are standing down.

They brainstorm who could’ve helped the Changelings get past the security AI guarding Daystrom. Worf recalls Krinn, a kingpin of one of the crime syndicates, who would’ve known Sneed.

When Worf and Raffi return to District 6, the space has cleared out because they are considered the alphas because they took out Sneed.

Raffi announces that they’re looking for Krinn. Worf kneels to wait for things to play out.

The USS Intrepid arrives at the Titan’s location and hails them. They send a shuttle with security officers on board. The shuttle causes some questions. It’s at the insistence of the lead security officer.

Picard asks a favor of Seven before Shaw escorts him and Riker down to meet the security detail from the Intrepid.

The Intrepid’s team is led by Ro Laren.

Seven grabs Jack and sets him up with a Starfleet uniform to hide him from the Intrepid’s team.

Ro informs Riker and Picard that Starfleet wants to question them. Anything they say can be used as evidence in case charges of treason are brought against them.

Beverly begins her examination of the changeling with Dr. Oak. Ensign La Forge is asked to verify the corpse is not her. She vomits.

Beverly points out Changelings usually return to liquid state upon death. This one has retained its last replicated form, that of Ensign La Forge.

Beverly cuts into the corpse and it bleeds. Despite not having any DNA, it has a blood-like plasma which would allow it to pass the traditional blood test.

Picard and Riker discuss Ro Laren. Picard is incensed that she is back in Starfleet after she joined the Maquis when she was sent to infiltrate them.

Ro comes in with her security team. The Titan is under security review and most of the crew is being transported to the Intrepid for reassignment. She intends to question Picard and Riker separately. She asks Riker to leave.

Picard begins questioning Ro while she tries to conduct her interrogation.

When he suggests that she’s an imposter, she pulls a blade from her boot and cuts herself to show him she bleeds. He notices she’s not wearing her Bajoran earring.

She asks him about Jack.

Wearing the Starfleet uniform, Jack huddles in a solitary space and hears the voice calling to him. It repeats, “Find me, hear me, connect us.”

In a sort of trance, Jack leaves his hiding place and enters the transporter room where crew are leaving for the Titan. He watches a group transport and they turn into writhing tentacles as they energize.

The transporter tech tries to get Jack’s attention. Jack asks him if there’s somewhere besides the Intrepid he could be beamed to. The tech says no and Jack shoots him. Suddenly, Jack’s looking at the tech and the tech is asking if he’s okay.

Jack leaves the transporter room.

On M’Talas, weapon sites suddenly target Worf who gets to his feet as Krinn and his entourage approach.

Worf orders them to put down their weapons. He assures them he and Raffi have the upper hand. Krinn calls his bluff by shooting Raffi who turns out to be a mobile emitted hologram. The real Raffi is perched with a sniper weapon but one of Krinn’s people taps her on the shoulder and takes her into custody.

Beverly and Dr. Oak discover the Changeling has replicated internal organs and it takes intense dissection to cause the flesh to revert to its natural state.

Beverly believes this is evolution, rather than a wholly new species.

Picard is reluctant to answer questions about Jack. Beverly contacts him and sends him a private message, informing him that these Changelings can bleed.

Seeing this, Picard begins asking again how Ro came to be a Commander in Starfleet. She informs him that she was court-martialed and imprisoned. Then she was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence.

She asks to see the remains of the Changeling they killed. Picard stands to lead her to sickbay.

Ro’s security officers are searching for Jack.

Ro pulls a weapon on Picard in the hallway and orders him into the holodeck. It’s still the Ten Forward program. Picard offers to pour her a drink. She asks for music. He pulls a weapon from behind the bar.

They’re at a stand-off. They clear the air about their history and realize they are both who they say they are.

Picard asks her why she’s there. Ro reveals that Starfleet is compromised at the highest levels. She asks Picard to trust her.

Krinn accuses Worf and Raffi of killing his brother, Sneed. They grew up together as scavengers in District 7. He decides Raffi and Worf will fight each other to the death.

Worf advises Raffi that sacrifice is necessary, and begins the fight. Raffi manages to bury a blade in his stomach. He falls to the ground, reassuring her it was a good day to day and this is a worthy death.

The Intrepid’s security officers continue to look for Jack, while Ro fills Picard in on her suspicions.

She points out that the Frontier Day preparations are locked down even from her and the event is days away. She informs Picard that there have been twelve incidents across the fleet of Changeling presence.

She tells him about the portal weapon used on the recruitment center and he connects it to Vadic’s weapon. He wants to take the information to Janeway.

She tells him the channels are shut down. She was unable to get to anyone with any sway. She reveals she has a couple of intelligence assets on the ground, gathering information.

Krinn has Worf’s body taken away. He tells Raffi she works for him now, holding the safety of her family as ransom.

Suddenly, the lights around them go out. Krinn’s people are quickly taken out and Worf pops up behind Krinn, holding a knife to his throat. He was able to slow his heart rate to mimic death.

Krinn explains he brokered for a device that exploits some illogical system flaws in the AI that guards Daystrom Station. He sees the logic in giving that device to Raffi and Worf. Ro informs Picard she’s left him a skeleton crew he needs to make sure is loyal. She advises him to take the ship and run. Her security officers approach, asking if she’s okay. She orders them to prepare the shuttle and moves away from them with Picard. Surreptitiously, she gives Picard her Bajoran earring and bids him farewell and good luck.

Picard rushes to the bridge to tell Shaw to run. Shaw tries to have security take Picard into custody but Riker belays the order. Picard insists he must believe him.

Ro’s shuttle leaves the Titan. As they approach the Intrepid, the two officers with her beam back to the Titan where they shapeshift into Titan officers. Ro is cut off from the Intrepid and realizes the Changelings left a bomb behind. She contacts the Titan and tells them what’s happened. They can’t beam her off. She doesn’t have time to disarm the bomb so she plans to use the exploding shuttle to disable the Intrepid by flying it into the port nacelle, so it can’t pursue.

The Intrepid raises shields and the Titan is ordered to surrender. The Changelings have framed them for Ro’s death and the damage to the Intrepid.

Shaw hesitates, but eventually decides to trust his eyes. He calls a red alert and orders the crew to battle stations. Emergency order 762-Alpha is in effect.

The Changeling officers find Jack and call for two reinforcements. Jack taps into the red door vision and quickly dispatches all four attackers. Looking down the hall, he sees the red door clearly and the bulkheads covered with the tentacle-like growth.

With some effort, he manages to clear his vision. He walks away.

On the bridge, Shaw prepares to flee. The warp core comes online just as the Intrepid fires torpedoes. They warp away.

Riker sits down with Picard and they mourn Ro together. Picard shows Riker the Bajoran earring, wondering why Ro gave it to him. Riker realizes there’s a data chip embedded. All her intel on the Changeling investigation is on it.

An incoming transmission pings. They open the channel and find Worf looking at them. He asks what happened to Commander Ro.

In sickbay, the bodies are laid out. Shaw is shocked that there were four Changelings aboard the Titan.

Beverly asks for a moment alone with Jack. She asks him what’s up because she can tell he’s not sleeping. She tells him he used to have nightmares as a kid. He doesn’t remember them, but she does. He was so terrified of them, he stopped sleeping.

She asks him how he knew the attackers were Changelings. He admits he didn’t. He takes a deep breath and tells her he thinks there’s something wrong with him.


Star Trek: Picard
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Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Jack: So, shall I find a comfortable pair of restraints?
Picard: Starfleet’s an organization built on the ideals of reason, and I can be persuasive when I need to be.
Jack: That, I believe.

As a courtesy, because of the harrowing ordeal that we all survived together, I’m gonna step outside so the three of you can get your bullshit story straight.
