Spock's Ceremony - Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Spock has a dream where he becomes fully human at his wedding to T’Pring and she rejects him. She calls for ritual combat and chooses a Vulcan version of Spock as the opponent. The fight ensues. Just as Vulcan Spock is about to strike the killing blow, Spock wakes up.

He checks his ears in the mirror just to make sure.

Stardate: 2341.4

Enterprise is at Starbase 1. The crew is on R&R.

Spock and Pike have a diplomatic matter to attend to, but Spock plans to spend most of the time with T’Pring.

When they reunite, T’Pring judges the quarters to be very human. Spock insists he’s in the process of redecorating.

They discuss her job, rehabilitating criminals by showing them the true path of Vulcan logic.

She has brought an assistant to take care of the work that needs to be done. She points out that Spock’s duties interrupted their time together last time, and insists that they prioritize their relationship. Spock admits he still has a diplomatic task to complete but promises to be done before they dine that evening.

April briefs Pike, Spock, and Uhura on the R’Ongovian Protectorate. The Federation wants them to join but negotiations have gone badly. The R’Ongovian representative was exceedingly rude to the first party of Tellarite diplomats.

April points out the R’Ongovian ship, an old solar sail ship they bring for ceremonial purposes. When they sign a treaty, they fly the flag of their new ally. They are scheduled to meet in the morning.

La’an interrupts the meeting to announce the R’Ongovian delegation has arrived and insists on meeting with Pike immediately.

Pike has her bring them in. Captain Vaso and First Officer Brax enter, demanding to speak to Pike in aggressive tones. When Pike introduces himself, Vaso’s demeanor changes, becoming extremely charming. Brax identifies Spock as Vulcan and asks if logic is a voice in the Federation’s governance.

Vaso determines that their negotiations will commence immediately.

Chapel and Ortegas hurry M’Benga up so they can start their leave. M’Benga is meeting with another doctor about non-invasive surgical techniques. Ortegas asks Chapel if she needs a wing-person when she reconnects with Lt. Dever. Chapel reassures her that she and Dever are on the same page, keeping the relationship casual.

M’Benga shows up in a fishing hat.

As they’re preparing to transport, M’Benga asks Una and La’an where they’ll be shore-leaving. Ortegas laughs they “shore-stay” and M’Benga lets slip about the nickname Una has among the crew. Una insists on knowing what it is. Ortegas saves M’Benga by informing her that she's called “Where Fun Goes to Die.”

Una orders Chief Kyle to beam them off the ship.

Spock returns to his quarters, having missed his dinner date with T’Pring due to the negotiations. She reminds him this time was for them and leaves. She sees that she did not eat her dinner while waiting for him.

Chapel is having drinks with Dever and suggests they just get away from the crowds but he wants to talk about their relationship. She disengages when she sees Spock dining alone and uses him as an excuse to get away from Dever.

On the ship, La’an asks Una why she lets the nickname bother her. They discuss their joy they have in being on a nearly-empty ship with nothing but their work to do. The computer alerts them to an unauthorized airlock access.

With Una backing her up, La’an catches two crew members trying to exit the airlock.

Chapel sits with Spock, explaining how he screwed up with T’Pring.

Spock confesses he is concerned T’Pring will find him incompatible because of his human half.

Chapel provides some insight and advice. Spock thanks her.

Spock brings T’Pring to his quarters where he has set it up for a Vulcan soul-sharing ritual. When they enact the ritual, the lights go out and they have switched bodies.

April goes to see Pike to tell him the R’Ongovians want to speak with Spock for the next round of negotiations.

Pike goes to Spock and T’Pring attempts to masquerade initially but when Pike informs them that Spock must negotiate with the R’Ongovians, they let him in on what has happened.

T’Pring volunteers to pretend to be Spock for the purposes of the negotiations.

La’an and Una interrogate the ensigns and find out that they were playing Enterprise Bingo. The ensigns have their shore leave revoked and are assigned to Chief Kyle for cleaning duties.

Once they are dismissed, Una and La’an admit they have no idea what Enterprise Bingo is.

While Spock is alone in T’Pring’s body, T’Pring’s assistant K’Teel calls and explains that the criminal they are rendezvousing with, Barjan, will only meet with T’Pring.

Una and La’an research Enterprise Bingo. La’an suggests they try it.

Chapel explains to Ortegas what went down with Dever. Spock in T’Pring’s body approaches and asks to speak with Chapel alone. He explains the situation. Chapel recommends he try to do T’Pring’s job as she is doing his.

On the ship, La’an suggests they call it off since neither one is enjoying it. Una insists they complete the list.

T’Pring as Spock tries to use logic to negotiate with the R’Ongovians. She finds herself sympathizing with the R’Ongovians’ fear of losing their culture to the homogenization of the Federation.

Pike interjects to remind T’Pring that Spock has made a noble sacrifice in his service to Starfleet.

This impresses the R’Ongovians who conclude the session but leave the door open for one more session before they leave.

Spock as T’Pring meets with Barjan. He brings Chapel with him. Barjan is insulting of all humans including Spock’s half-human side. Spock punches him out.

Spock and T’Pring return to the ship and M’Benga prepares for a katra transfer to set things right.

In the aftermath, Spock thanks Chapel for her help.

Spock and T’Pring open up with each other about their fears. When Vaso and Brax sit down, Pike is quite honest that they shouldn’t join the Federation. He takes their perspective and says the price of joining is too high for them to pay. They thank him and leave.

April demands an explanation. Pike explains that he has a hunch that the R’Ongovians were looking for allies who had the capacity to see things their way. He points at the R’Ongovian ship as it departs Starbase 1, flying the Federation flag.

Una and La’an use a forcefield to walk out to sign the Scorch, a twist on the rules of the Bingo. Scorch = oldest unreplaced piece of the Enterprise hull. Good luck to sign it.

Standing on the hull, they witness the R’Ongovians’ solar sail ship disembark, a breathtaking sight.

T’Pring and Spock share their experiences being each other in bed, having made love.

Ortegas and Chapel debrief the breakup with Dever. Ortegas recommends honesty at the start of the next relationship. Chapel hints she’s found someone but retracts it.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

T’Pring: We must prioritize our relationship.
Spock: Of course. I still have some diplomatic responsibilities I must dispense with before…
T’Pring: I expected no different.
Spock: You are disappointed.
T’Pring: I am realistic.

Vulcan Spock: What would you know of logic? You are a human, ruled by emotion.
Human Spock: No, I’m not human! I’m not!