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Jack is questioned and then all hell breaks loose in the prison where Jack Dawkins is being held.

Charlie meets with some guy who is concerned about past events and mentions her top secret assignment. Half of the things in her file is redacted.

Maureen is straightening up a bit at the office. She's taking control. It's confusing, considering where she was previously. She's looking awfully fidgety as the police roll by as she's in the car near the Washington Monument. Suddenly we know why. An empty backpack was left there with the symbol on it. She decides not to give a theory to Constance and POTUS isn't impressed.

Charlie shows up at the office. When she gets a snide remark from Lucas, she decides to talk to him and Kurt about her past. She apologizes and they act as if they don't care at all. Kurt is acting shady now. Someone is always acting shady!

Jack is in the jungle, talking about jungle pigs, the rain is pouring down. He's trying to get close to them and gets one to give him a swill of his flash and takes control.

Maureen is pissed at her male counterparts when she feels as if she was tossed under the bus. They wonder if she checked the book before she went to the white house and she's a little taken aback by that.

She wishes things could be like they were before, but Charlie says she can do it. She lends a hand.

Nick Vera is alive!!!

There were sophisticated bomb chemicals inside the backpack. 

They find a heat signature in the jungle. The team is back together!

While the team tries to get Jack, Nick is in a bit of a pickle. He knows poppy and gems and the money that flows for both. That's why he's there. He's the expert. The dude challenges to a game of candy crush. WHAT?

Charlie realizes someone is trying to humiliate POTUS. 

Nick passes all the levels of the Candy Crush saga!

Marshall and Constance have a bit of a conversation and after they argue a bit, she calls him and says she loves him, just before he steps into Green's condo.

So, was Senator Green the person trying to humiliate POTUS? 

POTUS goes to see the Jack. She gives him an apology. Soldier to soldier. She left him behind and for that she is deeply and irrevocably sorry.

There is a college student, Stacey Dover, who is carrying the backpacks. She wants to make a difference. Good God.

State of Affairs
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State of Affairs Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Charlie: Hey Mo, knock 'em dead.
Maureen: Thank you.

She's still Charlie. She's still sharp as hell and more experienced. Whatever she wants to lend the team, we'll take it.
