Danny Goes All Out - Still Up
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Lisa is at a club for her friend Gemma’s hen night (bachelorette party), but she’s distracted as she recalls Veggie’s mom saying he was planning to propose. When her friends insist she’ll be the next one married, she heads to the loo, where she practices saying I’m Lisa Veg or Mrs. Veg, but it seems to make her uncomfortable.

Instead of going back to the table, she heads to the bar and orders ten tequilas, then downs them all. She passes out, and when she wakes up, her friends and her phone are gone.

Later, she calls Danny from a payphone on the street. Danny is happy that she remembered his number and he’s the one she called, then learns she tried to call Veggie, but not even the phone will wake him up when he’s asleep.

Lisa is so drunk that she doesn’t know where she is, and the phone cuts off when she runs out of money.

Danny knows the section of London she is in and tries to pin down where she is. Lisa finally calls back from a shop owner’s phone. Danny is able to tell her where the nearest bus home is. The shop owner, Al, offers to get Lisa on the bus.

But Lisa calls Danny later. She got on the right bus but went in the wrong direction. She’s at a launderette and is using a woman named Lena’s phone.

Lisa says she’s starving, but Danny has noticed her eating cookies on every phone call. She says her friend Pippa baked them and brought them to the party. Danny realizes that the cookies are laced with cannabis, and that’s why Lisa is still so loopy. She’s eaten close to a dozen of them.

Lisa is lying on the floor when the police come in and arrest Lena. The drug-sniffing dog focuses on Lisa, and she ends up being arrested while Danny watches helplessly on the phone.

After three years, Danny leaves his apartment. He takes a cab to find Lisa. Lisa is sobbing into the phone. She tells Danny that Veggie is going to propose, and she's going to accept. Then a police officer calls Lisa and she leaves the phone dangling.

On the way to the police station, the cab driver gets a call from a friend about a man at his house with his wife and speeds there with Danny in the cab. As the cab driver gets home, a man dives out the bedroom window and steals his cab with Danny inside.

It's 3:25 am when the man lets Danny out of the cab. He runs to the Launderette, where he knows Lisa got arrested, but it's closed. Lisa calls him to say he's home. They let her off with a cannabis warning. Lisa realizes that Danny left his house for her, but the officer who dropped her off at home needs her phone back. Danny hangs up and heads home.

Lisa trips over a flower pot on her way in and wakes Veggie. She recalls him encouraging her to go to the hen night and commenting on when she might have hers.

Danny walks home. It's 5:24 am, and he's okay until he remembers Lisa saying that Veggie was going to propose, and she planned to say yes. He starts to have a panic attack and sits at a bus stop.

Surprisingly, Amy walks up to catch the bus. They haven't seen one another since their disastrous date.


Still Up
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Still Up Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

David: You can borrow my bicycle if you like.
Danny: Thank you, David, but I don’t think that’s going to get me there quick enough.
David: You can take the basket off.
Danny: Right. Wait, does that make it faster?
David: I don’t know. I’ve never taken the basket off before.

Please, brain, let me do this one thing.
