A New Light - Sullivan's Crossing
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Maggie has a nightmare of her father in the hospital and people judging her.

She wakes up and gets ready for the day ahead.

She's trying to find a way to look back on her decisions as a neurosurgeon and whether she would have done anything differently.

Maggie bumps into Cal as she's searching for coffee and they have another awkward exchange where he notes that she makes him nervous.

After they part ways, Maggie goes back to Sullivan's Crossing and realizes that her dad isn't as put together as he was when she left.

She slowly begins realizing that he was changed by her exit, but she's still holding on to the resentment of him not being in her life.

Edna says that he was never the same.

Maggie tells him about her being sued for malpractice and he speaks about losing a child as if he lost one.

Maggie then calls the teenager's mother and learns that her answerphone is the son who died and she quickly hangs up.

Just when it seemed like Maggie was making moves, she realized the man with dementia was in pain and rushed over to his house.

Cal realized he hadn't been eating the meals left out for him and he has abdominal pain.

Maggie gets him to the hospital.

She goes to the bar to meet Sidney. Cal is sitting on his lonesome and she asks Sidney about him.

They wind up getting drunk and having a rare old time, until Sidney leaves with Rafe.

Maggie buys Cal a beer and they get closer before he walks her home and she says that she missed being in Sullivan's Crossing.

They get close but things go awry when Andrew walks out of Sully's house, saying that he's there to take over. He's clearly threatened by Cal.

Cal goes home and marks off a date on the calendar.




Sullivan's Crossing
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Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Scott: Hello?
Maggie: Scott, it's... it's Maggie. I've thought about it and I think I need to come home. I can't just sit here and do nothing while she tries to discredit me.
It's my reputation and...
Scott: These situations tend to resolve quickly. Listen. I'll call the hospital. See what they wanna do. I'll let you know once there's news.

Maggie: Uh, I'm being sued by the mother of one of my patients.
Sully: What for?
Maggie: Her son died of a brain aneurysm post-treatment. She's blaming me.
But, I mean, I'm going through everything, and I don't see anything else
I would have done differently.
Sully: Poor woman.
Maggie: I just don't understand why she's doing this to me.
Sully: Maybe it's not about you, Maggie. She's devastated. Losing a child... There's nothin' worse that could happen to a parent.